
时间:2018-10-25 12:10:59

标签: excel vba sumifs



enter image description here

enter image description here



Dim Arg1 As Range 'the range i want to sum : so quantity

Dim Arg2 As Range 'criteria for range : Dates
Dim Arg3 As Range 'the criteria (range)

Dim Arg4 As Range 'criteria for range : ISIN
Dim Arg5 As Range 'the criteria (range)

Dim Arg6 As Range 'criteria for range : Type
Dim Arg7 As Range 'the criteria (range)

Set Arg1 = ThisWB.Sheets("INPUT").Range("A1:A13")

Set Arg2 = ThisWB.Sheets("INPUT").Range("B1:B13")
Set Arg3 = ThisWB.Sheets("OUTPUT").Range("A4:A8")

Set Arg4 = ThisWB.Sheets("INPUT").Range("C1:C13")

'these are rows (so ISIN codes vertically)
Set Arg5 = ThisWB.Sheets("OUTPUT").Range("B2:E2")

Set Arg6 = ThisWB.Sheets("INPUT").Range("D1:D13")

'This is the criteria that only values under Buy should be summed
Set Arg7 = ThisWB.Sheets("OUTPUT").Range("B2")






Option Explicit

Sub InsertQ()
'Sum Quantities

    'Declare variables
    Dim lastRowData, lastRowInput, I, x, pasteRow As Integer

    Dim shtInput As Worksheet
    Dim shtData As Worksheet

    Dim Arg1 As Range 'the range i want to sum : so quantity

    Dim Arg2 As Range 'criteria for range : Dates
    Dim Arg3 As Range 'the criteria (range)

    Dim Arg4 As Range 'criteria for range : ISIN
    Dim Arg5 As Range 'the criteria (range)

    Dim Arg6 As Range 'criteria for range : Type
    Dim Arg7 As Range 'the criteria (range)

    'Set variables
    Set shtData = Sheets("OUTPUT")
    Set shtInput = Sheets("INPUT")
    lastRowData = shtData.Range("B4").End(xlDown).Row
    lastRowInput = shtInput.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
    pasteRow = 5

    Set Arg1 = shtInput.Range("G1:G1048576")

    Set Arg2 = shtInput.Range("J1:J1048576")
    Set Arg3 = shtData.Range("A4:A20")

    Set Arg4 = shtInput.Range("AF1:AF1048576")
    Set Arg5 = shtData.Range("B2:E2")

    Set Arg6 = shtInput.Range("E1:E1048576")
    Set Arg7 = shtData.Range("A2")

    'Deactivate Screen for purpose of performance
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False


    For I = 2 To lastRowData
        For x = 2 To lastRowInput
        shtData.Cells(x, I) = _
          Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7)
        Next x

        pasteRow = pasteRow + 1

    Next I

    lastRowData = shtData.Range("B4").End(xlDown).Row
    shtData.Range("B4:XFD" & lastRowData).NumberFormat = "0.00"
    shtData.Range("E5:E" & lastRowData).NumberFormat = "0.00"

    'Confirm to user
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True


End Sub

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

对于数据透视表,这将是一项不错的任务。假设以下数据… enter image description here

将导致… enter image description here 请原谅德语截图

  1. 选择输入表中的所有数据。
  2. 插入数据透视表(从功能区中选择“插入›数据透视表”)
  3. 然后配置数据透视
    • 添加Type进行过滤
    • ISIN添加到列
    • Dates添加到行
    • Quantity添加到值
  4. 选择Buy作为单元格B2中的类型并完成。

答案 1 :(得分:0)





Option Explicit

Sub WriteFormula()
    With Worksheets("OUTPUT")
        With .Range("C4", .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row, .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column))
            .Formula = "=SUMIFS(INPUT!$A:$A,INPUT!$B:$B,OUTPUT!$A:$A,INPUT!$C:$C,OUTPUT!$2:$2,INPUT!$D:$D,OUTPUT!$B$1)"
            'if needed as values not forumlas uncomment the following line
            '.Value = .Value
        End With
    End With
End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)

因此,通过在构建函数Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs()中使用VBA可以实现您想要的。我想这不是执行SUMIFS的最快方法,但是它是excel函数“ =SUMIFS()”的副本。

根据我的理解,请注意,在每个条件放置位置,条件值只能是一个单一值(而不是范围)...因此,我们需要按需要遍历每个条件值(条件1和条件2) SUMIFS application中只有一个值)。这是在VBA中通过“ For each .. In ...”循环完成的。

Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Sum_range, Criteria_range1, Criteria1, Criteria_range2, criteria2, etc..)


enter image description here


enter image description here

该代码复制上图中工作表“输出”中的右表。我们正在使用其他工作表“输入”中的某些范围,而在此工作表“输出”中需要我们结果的范围。 (请注意,在excel中,您可以为标准1使用范围,在VBA中是不可能的。)

颜色是我们在图纸上使用的= sumifs范围。这些将在代码中复制。


Option Explicit
Sub Sumifs()

Dim InputSheet As Worksheet
Dim OutputSheet As Worksheet

Set InputSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Input")
Set OutputSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Output")

Dim Arg1 As Range 'the range i want to sum : so quantity

Dim Arg2 As Range 'criteria for range : Dates
Dim Arg3 As Variant 'the criteria (range)

Dim Arg4 As Range 'criteria for range : ISIN
Dim Arg5 As Variant 'the criteria (range)

Dim Arg6 As Range 'criteria for range : Type
Dim Arg7 As Variant 'the criteria (range)

Set Arg1 = InputSheet.Range("A2:A14") 'Sum_range

Set Arg2 = InputSheet.Range("B2:B14") 'Criteria_range1
Set Arg3 = OutputSheet.Range("A3:A7") 'Criteria1

Set Arg4 = InputSheet.Range("C2:C14") 'Criteria_range2
Set Arg5 = OutputSheet.Range("C2:F2") 'Criteria2 - these are rows (so ISIN codes vertically)

Set Arg6 = InputSheet.Range("D2:D14") 'Criteria_range3
Set Arg7 = OutputSheet.Range("B1")    'Criteria3 - This is the criteria that only values under Buy should be summed

Dim cell_date As Variant
Dim cell_ISIN As Variant
Dim cell_Type As Variant
Dim cell_ISIN_column As Long
Dim cell_date_row As Long

For Each cell_ISIN In Arg5 'Loop through all ISIN codes in range setin Arg 5
    cell_ISIN_column = cell_ISIN.Column 'Get current column for ISIN
    For Each cell_date In Arg3 'Loop through all Dates in range set in Arg3
        cell_date_row = cell_date.Row 'Get current row for date
                'My understanding is that the criteria values can only be only one single value at each criteria... therefore we need to loop through each criteria value (Arg3 and Arg5 needs to have only one value in SUMIFS application).
                OutputSheet.Cells(cell_date_row, cell_ISIN_column) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sumifs(Arg1, Arg2, cell_date, Arg4, cell_ISIN, Arg6, Arg7)
    Next cell_date 'go to next date
Next cell_ISIN 'go to next ISIN

End Sub

Credit to D_Bester at SO and more inspiration/explantions can be found here in his thread :)
