
时间:2018-10-30 11:17:29

标签: assembly mips spim


.globl main
     input : .space 30

   li $v0,8 #get string
   la $a0,input
   li $a1, 30

   jal str2int   # call the procedure str2int
   move $a0,$v0   # move the return value into $a0
   li $v0,1      
   syscall       # print the result

   li $v0, 10
   syscall        # Exit the program

# register $v0(return value)                         

   # Check for sign
   lb $t0,0($a0)   # load the first byte into $t1
   beq $t0,'-',negint # if sign is -,goto negint
   beq $t0,'+',posint # if sign is +,goto posint
   j convert
negint:   li $t1,1       # set flag $t1 to 1(represents negative)
   add $a0,$a0,1   # goto next ASCII character
   j convert   # goto convert
posint:   li $t1,0       # set flag $t1 to 0(represents positive)
   add $a0,$a0,1   # goto next ASCII character
   li $s0,0       # sum=0
   lb $t0,0($a0)   # load the ASCII character into $t1
   beqz $t0,exitloop   # if the character is null, exit the loop
   blt $t0,'0',fail   # if $t1 is a non-digit character,return -1
   bgt $t0,'9',fail
   sub $t0,$t0,48   # convert ASCII digit to decimal digit
   mul $s0,$s0,10   # multiply the previous sum with 10 and
   add $s0,$s0,$t0   # the converted digit to sum
   add $a0,$a0,1   # goto next ASCII character
   j loop       # goto loop
   beq $t1,0,copy   # if sign is +, goto copy
   neg $s0,$s0   # if the sign is -, take negation of integer
copy:   move $v0,$s0   # store the converted integer into $v0  
   j return
fail:    li $v0,-1
return:   jr $ra       # return $v0 to main

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来自SPIM syscall documentation




    lb $t0,0($a0)        # load the ASCII character into $t0
    beq $t0,13,exitloop  # if the character is CR, exit the loop
    beq $t0,10,exitloop  # if the character is LF, exit the loop
    beqz $t0,exitloop    # if the character is NUL, exit the loop
