
时间:2018-11-02 21:18:50

标签: python



import random
test_data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
n = 1000
for i in range(n):
  result = random.randint(1, 6)
  test_data[result - 1] = test_data[result - 1] + 1

for i in range(0, 6):
  print ("Number of ", i+1, "'s: ", test_data[i])


Number of  1 's:  180

Number of  2 's:  161

Number of  3 's:  179

Number of  4 's:  159

Number of  5 's:  146

Number of  6 's:  175

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


因此,test_data列表需要增加以存储12个项目,作为result,我们应该将random.randint(1, 6)称为两次(不是时间)两个),然后将它们加在一起:

import random

test_data = [0] * 12
n = 1000
for i in range(n):
  # adding up two dices
  result = random.randint(1, 6) + random.randint(1, 6)
  test_data[result - 1] += 1

for i, x in enumerate(test_data, 1):
  print ("Number of ", i, "'s: ", x)

在这里写+= 1而不是= ... + 1也更优雅,因为在这里我们避免写两次test_data[result - 1]。此外,在Python中,通常直接枚举集合,而不是索引。可以使用enumerate(iterable, start_index)生成2元组(i, n)的可迭代对象,其中索引为i,而集合中与该索引相关的元素为x

答案 1 :(得分:2)


import random

counts = {}
for _ in range(1000):
    dice = tuple(sorted([random.randint(1, 6), random.randint(1, 6)]))
    counts[dice] = counts.get(dice, 0) + 1



for dice in sorted(counts.keys()):
    print("{} occurred {} times".format(dice, counts[dice]))


(1, 1) occurred 22 times
(1, 2) occurred 53 times
(1, 3) occurred 47 times
(1, 4) occurred 55 times
(1, 5) occurred 55 times
(1, 6) occurred 50 times
(2, 2) occurred 27 times
(2, 3) occurred 64 times
(2, 4) occurred 58 times

答案 2 :(得分:1)


import numpy as np

no_of_dice = 2
sides_on_die = 6
rolls = 1000
dice = np.array([0]*rolls)

for i in range(no_of_dice):
    dice += np.random.randint(1,sides_on_die+1,rolls)
data = np.bincount(dice)

for i in range(no_of_dice,no_of_dice*sides_on_die+1):
    print ("Number of ", i, "'s: ", data[i])


Number of  2 's:  26
Number of  3 's:  55
Number of  4 's:  100
Number of  5 's:  106
Number of  6 's:  139
Number of  7 's:  152
Number of  8 's:  135
Number of  9 's:  104
Number of  10 's:  87
Number of  11 's:  64
Number of  12 's:  32

答案 3 :(得分:1)


import random
from collections import Counter

def roll_n_dice_of_sides_x_times(n,x,sides=6):
    """Rolls 'n' dices with 'sides' sides 'x' times. Yields 'x' values that 
    hold the sum of the 'x' dice rolls.""" 
    r = range(1,sides+1)
    yield from (sum(random.choices(r,k=n)) for _ in range(x))

# this does allthe counting and dice throwingof 1000 2-6sided-dice-sums
c = Counter(roll_n_dice_of_sides_x_times(2,1000))

# print the sorten (key,value) tuples of the Counter-dictionary. Sort by 
# how much eyes thrown, then amount of occurences
for eyes,count in sorted(c.items()):
    print(f"Number of {eyes:>3}'s : {count}")


Number of   2's : 24
Number of   3's : 51
Number of   4's : 66
Number of   5's : 115
Number of   6's : 149
Number of   7's : 182
Number of   8's : 153
Number of   9's : 116
Number of  10's : 68
Number of  11's : 58
Number of  12's : 18


  • collections.Counter
    • 它是一个字典-您向它提供可迭代的内容,并且int会计算可迭代的每个元素出现的频率:
        print(Counter( [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4] ) )

        # Counter({4: 4, 3: 3, 2: 2, 1: 1})


import random
from collections import Counter

def roll_n_dice_of_sides_x_times_no_sum(n,x,sides=6):
    """Rolls 'n' dices with 'sides' sides 'x' times. Yields a sorted tuple 
    of the dice throwsof all  'x' dice rolls.""" 
    r = range(1,sides+1)

    # instead of summing, create a tuple (hashable, important for Counter)
    # and return that sorted, so that 4,4,5 == 5,4,4 == 4,5,4 throw:
    yield from ( tuple(sorted(random.choices(r,k=n))) for _ in range(x))

# throw 3 6-sided dice 1000 times and count:
c = Counter(roll_n_dice_of_sides_x_times_no_sum(3,1000))

# print the sorten (key,value) tuples of the Counter-dictionary. Sort by 
# how much eyes thrown, then amount of occurences
for dice,count in sorted(c.items()):
    print(f"{dice} occured {count} times")


(1, 1, 1) occured 3 times
(1, 1, 2) occured 14 times
(2, 3, 5) occured 32 times
(2, 3, 4) occured 21 times
(4, 6, 6) occured 10 times
(5, 5, 5) occured 3 times
(5, 5, 6) occured 20 times
(5, 6, 6) occured 9 times
(6, 6, 6) occured 4 times