'std :: cout<<'中''运算符<<'的模糊重载

时间:2011-03-15 23:14:14

标签: c++ templates operator-overloading


#include "listtemplate.h"
//#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int UserChoice;
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
    cin >> UserChoice;
    cout << UserChoice;

在目前的形式中,一切正常。我输入一个整数,并将该整数打印到屏幕上。但是,当我取消注释cout << "Hello, World!" << endl行时,我收到以下错误

main.cpp:10: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator<<’ in ‘std::cout << "Hello, World!"’

我也可以通过注释掉#include“listtemplate.h”,取消注释hello world line,并在main中包含<iostream>(目前可通过模板访问)来使其工作。任何人都可以看到我缺少的东西这里吗?


#include "list.h"
using namespace std;

// Default constructor
template <class Type>
list<Type> :: list() : Head(NULL) {}

// Destructor
template <class Type>
list<Type> :: ~list()
    Node *Temp;
    while (Head != NULL)
        Temp = Head;
        Head = Head -> Next;
        delete Temp;

// Copy constructor
template <class Type>
list<Type> :: list (const Type& OriginalList)
    Node *Marker;
    Node *OriginalMarker;

    OriginalMarker = OriginalList.Gead;
    if (OriginalMarker == NULL) Head = NULL;
        Head = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Element, NULL);
        Marker = Head;
        OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;

        while (OriginalMarker != NULL)
            Marker -> Next = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Next);
            OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;
            Marker = Marker -> Next;

// Copy assignment operator
template <class Type>
list<Type>& list<Type> :: operator= (const list<Type>& Original)
    Node *Marker;
    Node *OriginalMarker;

    // Check that we are not assigning a variable to itself
    if (this != &Original)
        // First clear the current list, if any
        while (Head != NULL)
            Marker = Head;
            Head = Head -> Next;
            delete Marker;

        // Now build a new copy
        OriginalMarker = Original.Head;
        if (OriginalMarker == NULL) Head = NULL;
            Head = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Element, NULL);
            Marker = Head;
            OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;

            while (OriginalMarker != NULL)
                Marker -> Next = new Node (OriginalMarker -> Element, NULL);
                OriginalMarker = OriginalMarker -> Next;
                Marker = Marker -> Next;
    return (*this);

// Test for emptiness
template <class Type>
bool list<Type> :: Empty() const
    return (Head == NULL) ? true : false;

// Insert new element at beginning
template <class Type>
bool list<Type> :: Insert (const Type& NewElement)
    Node *NewNode;
    NewNode = new Node;
    NewNode -> Element = NewElement;
    NewNode -> Next = Head;
    return true;

// Delete an element
template <class Type>
bool list<Type> :: Delete (const Type& DelElement)
    Node *Temp;
    Node *Previous;

    // If list is empty
    if (Empty()) return false;

    // If element to delete is the first one
    else if (Head -> Element == DelElement)
        Temp = Head;
        Head = Head -> Next;
        delete Temp;
        return true;

    // If the list has only one element which isn't the specified element
    else if (Head -> Next == NULL) return false;

    // Else, search the list element by element to find the specified element
        Previous = Head;
        Temp = Head -> Next;

        while ((Temp -> Element != DelElement) && (Temp -> NExt != NULL))
            Previous = Temp;
            Temp = Temp -> Next;

        if (Temp -> Element == DelElement)
            Previous -> Next = Temp -> Next;
            delete Temp;
            return true;
        else return false;

// Print the contents of the list
template <class Type>
void list<Type> :: Print (ostream& OutStream) const
    Node *Temp;
    Temp = Head;

    while (Temp != NULL)
        OutStream << Temp -> Element << " ";
        Temp = Temp -> Next;

// Overloaded output operator
template <class Type>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const list<Type>& OutList)
    OutList.Print (OutStream);
    return OutStream;


#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace std;

template <class Type>
class list
    struct Node
        Type Element;
        Node *Next;

        Node() : Next(NULL) {} // Default constructor
        Node (Type Data, Node *PNode = NULL) : // Non-default constructor
            Element (Data),
            Next (PNode) {}

    Node *Head;
    list (const Type& OriginalList);
    bool Empty() const;
    bool Insert (const Type& NewElement);
    bool Delete (const Type& DelElement);
    void Print (ostream& OutStream) const;
    list& operator= (const list<Type>& Original);

template <class Type>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const Type& OutList);

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:21)


template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream&, T const & );

这会引发歧义,因为它是 catch-all 模板。但是为什么编译器可以(明确地)将整数插入cout但是它不能插入const char*

原因在于标准中所需的std::basic_ostream模板和自由函数的定义。特别是,模板类basic_ostream包含成员函数以插入基本类型,包括int。另一方面,将const char*插入流中定义为模板化自由函数。将三个声明放在一起:

namespace std {
template <typename CharT, typename traits = char_traits<CharT> >
class basic_ostream {
// ... 
   basic_ostream<CharT,traits>& operator<<(int n); // [1]
// ...
template<class charT, class traits> // [2]
basic_ostream<charT,traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT,traits>&, const char*);
template <typename T> // [3]
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream&, T const & ); // user defined

现在,当编译器遇到表达式std::cout << 5时,它发现[1]是非模板化的完美匹配。它是非模板化的,因为std::coutbasic_ostream类模板的具体实例化的对象,当编译器考虑该类的成员时,类型是固定的。该方法本身并未模板化。


现在,当编译器看到表达式std::cout << "Hello world";时,它执行查找并找到(在其他无法匹配且因此被丢弃的选项中)选项[2]和[3]。问题是,现在,两个选项都是模板,第一个可以通过匹配CharT = chartraits = char_traits<char>来解决,而第二个可以通过制作T = const char*来匹配(第一个参数是具体实例化类型)。编译器无法下定决心(没有部分顺序来定义它应该遵循的选项),并且它会触发模糊错误。

问题中真正令人感兴趣的一点是,虽然[1]和[{1]这两个参数似乎都是在CharTtraits的基础上进行模仿,但基本上它们并没有在编译器的方式相同,原因是查找[{1]成为std::cout的成员,这意味着在[1]中,basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >具体的已知第一个参数的类型,它是固定的。模板是类,而不是函数,并且在查找成员函数之前,类实例化类型是固定的。另一方面,当ADL找到[2]并尝试匹配该呼叫时,basic_ostream<CharT, traits>泛型类型,可以与cout的类型匹配。


答案 1 :(得分:9)


template <class Type>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const Type& OutList);


template <class Type>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const list<Type>& OutList);

你制作原型的版本说它是operator <<可以打印任何,而不是任何列表。因此,当你写

cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;

编译器无法判断它应该调用哪个函数 - 标准输出函数或您在列表标题中定义的函数。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const Type& OutList);


ostream& operator<< (ostream& OutStream, const list<Type>& OutList)