
时间:2018-11-20 09:43:41

标签: regex matlab octave

我已经开发了一个正则表达式(基于How do I use a Python regex to match the function syntax of MATLAB?)来尝试从matlab函数声明中捕获输入和输出参数以及函数名,这是正则表达式:


您可以在此处查看它的运行情况:regex at regex101.com


K>> argstr = 'function loss = conductionLo7ss (self, Irms, m, DPF)'

argstr =

    'function loss = conductionLo7ss (self, Irms, m, DPF)'

K>> fcn_decl_regex = '^\s*function\s+(?:(?:\[((?:\s*(?:\w+[\w0-9]*)\s*,?)+)\]|(\w+[\w0-9]*))\s*=)?[\s.]*(\w+[\w0-9]*)\s*(?:\(([^)]*)\))?';
K>> [tokens, match] = regexp (argstr, fcn_decl_regex, 'tokens', 'match')

tokens =

  1×1 cell array

    {1×1 cell}

match =

  1×1 cell array

    {'function loss = conductionLo7ss (self, Irms, m, DPF)'}

K>> tokens{1}

ans =

  1×1 cell array



octave:8> argstr = 'function loss = conductionLo7ss (self, Irms, m, DPF)'
argstr = function loss = conductionLo7ss (self, Irms, m, DPF)
octave:9> fcn_decl_regex = '^\s*function\s+(?:(?:\[((?:\s*(?:\w+[\w0-9]*)\s*,?)+)\]|(\w+[\w0-9]*))\s*=)?[\s.]*(\w+[\w0-9]*)\s*(?:\(([^)]*)\))?';
octave:10> [tokens, match] = regexp (argstr, fcn_decl_regex, 'tokens', 'match')
tokens =
  [1,1] =
    [1,1] = loss
    [1,2] = conductionLo7ss
    [1,3] = self, Irms, m, DPF


match =
  [1,1] = function loss = conductionLo7ss (self, Irms, m, DPF)



`function loss = conductionLo7ss (self, Irms, m, DPF)`
Group 2.    9-13    `loss`
Group 3.    16-31   `conductionLo7ss`
Group 4.    33-51   `self, Irms, m, DPF`

`function [loss, arg2] = conductionLoss (self, Irms, m, DPF)`
Group 1.    63-73   `loss, arg2`
Group 3.    77-91   `conductionLoss`
Group 4.    93-111  `self, Irms, m, DPF`


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