
时间:2018-11-20 12:34:34

标签: c linux pointers unsigned


/* Standard Linux headers */

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calculates the CRYPTO 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
unsigned long CalculateCRYPTO(
unsigned long ulCount, /* Number of bytes in the data block */
unsigned char *ucBuffer )  /*Data block*/
    unsigned long ulCRYPTO = 0;
    //fonction that i have not coded ...
    return( ulCRYPTO );


int main (void)

  /*Variables and socket programming*/

   //this is my datablock must be in hexa AA 35 07 (will chnage size and data but for now it's hardcoded)
    unsigned char datablock[3];
    memset(datablock, '\0' ,sizeof(datablock));

    unsigned long CRYPTO;
    CRYPTO=CalculateCRYPTO(sizeof(datablock),datablock); //calculate crypto depending of datablocks
    printf("CRYPTO = 0x%08x \n", CRYPTO); //prints me 0xe8ba8fa3 that is what i want 

    /*Creating the final command*/
    //(will chnage size and data but for now it's fixed)
    unsigned char cmd_final_hex[7]; //this needs to be DATABLOCKS+CRYPTO
                                    //in hexa AA 35 07 concatenated to inverted CRYPTO so ... A3 8F BA E8 => must be AA 35 07 A3 8F BA E8
    memset(cmd_final_hex, '\0' ,sizeof(cmd_final_hex));     //Make sure cmd final is at 0
    memcpy(cmd_final_hex, datablock, sizeof(datablock));    //cmd at datablock + 000
    // while loop prints me what i want so cmd_final_hex[]=AA 35 07 00 00 ...

    //Now i want to concatenate so my idea is to use memcpy and not strcat :
    memcpy(&cmd_final_hex[sizeof(datablock)], &CRYPTO, 4);

   //and a print gives me AA 35 07 A3 8F BA E8 which is exactly what i want but why do i have to use "&CRYPTO" and not "CRYPTO" in my memcpy. !!!

  return 0;





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


我的问题是,为什么最后一个memcpy起作用?我希望   将CRYPTO而不是&CRYPTO放在参数中...对我来说,CRYPTO是值   我想要0xe8ba8fa3和&CRYPTO地址。

您是对的。 CRYPTO不是指针。但是,memcpy需要一个指针,因此我们必须给它一个指针。我们通过获取CRYPTO的地址来完成此操作,并通过在其上添加&来实现,因此也就是&CRYPTO


答案 1 :(得分:1)


memcpy function notifyMe(text) { if (Notification.permission !== "granted") Notification.requestPermission(); else { var notification = new Notification('Notification title', { body: text, requireInteraction: true }); notification.addEventListener("click", function (event) { alert("onClick!"); event.preventDefault(); console.log('Notification clicked.'); } ) notification.addEventListener("close", function (event) { alert("onClose!"); event.preventDefault(); console.log('Notification clicked.'); } ) } }


  • 目标 :指向要复制内容的目标数组的指针,类型转换为void *类型的指针。
  • source :指向要复制的数据源的指针,类型转换为const void *类型的指针。
  • num :要复制的字节数。 size_t是无符号整数类型。