如何使用C ++删除.txt中的记录

时间:2018-12-06 10:51:42

标签: c++

如何删除.txt文件上的记录, 例如,我在.txt文件上有记录:

Juan John Josh
Harry Potter Harry
Razor Paper Stone

用户将输入要删除的名称, 示例:用户输入名称,Harry,然后录音机将更新并删除记录Harry Potter Harry。

我要求输入密码。 请回复。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




  • 读取行,直到找到要删除的记录。
  • 找到记录后,阅读下一行并覆盖上一行。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

#include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    int main(int argc, char** arg) 
        //declare testing this is the original text file variable
        ifstream testing;
        //open test.txt this is the original text file
        //decalare a temporary text file variable
        ofstream temp;
        //open a temporary text file

        // user input to delete record
        cout<<"Enter Name to delete: ";
        //declaration of variables
        //variable for the input of the user
        string name;
        //variable for the record inside the original text file
        string name1;
        //reading input as the value of the variable name.

        //while this is for reading the original text file and the record will be the value for the variable name1
            //if variable name2(record) not equal to variable name(input)
            if(name2 != name)
                //all the records in the original text file except to the record that the user inputted will be copied to the temporary text file which is temp.txt.
                temp<<name1<<" "<<name2<<" "<<name3<<" "<<grade1<<" "<<grade2<<" "<<grade3<<endl;

        //closing temp.txt
        //closing original text file which is test.txt
        //removing the original text file because it contains all the records including the record that was intended to be deleted.
        //renaming the temporary text file(temp.txt) to become the original text file(test.txt) 
        //note: that the temporary text file contains all the records except to the record the user deleted. 
        //and now renamed to be the original text file.
        rename("temp.txt", "test.txt");
        //the record is now deleted and its done hahaha
        return 0;