
时间:2018-12-10 13:27:43

标签: arrays sas


Subject      VisitNumber   Exam      Result       Comments
001          1             Blood     Negative     Will return for more testing
001          1             BP        100          Score is in normal range
001          1             Vision    20/20        No issues with eyesight 
002          5             BMI       19           Within healthy range
002          5             Hearing   Good         Patient hears well
002          5             Drug      Negative     Subject passed drug test


Subject    VisitNumber      Summary
001        1                Exam: Blood, Result: Negative, Comments: Will return for more testing; Exam: BP, Result: 100, Comments: Score is normal range; Exam: Vision, Result: 20/20, Comments: No issues with eyesight
002        5                Exam: BMI, Result: 19, Comments: Within healthy range; Exam: Hearing, Result: Good, Comments: Patient hears well; Exam: Drug, Result: Negative, Comments: Subject passed drug test


for (i in 1:length(data$Subject))

data$Summary[i] = data$Comments[i] = 'Exam: ' + Exam[i] + ', Result: ' + Result[i] + ', Comments: ' + Comments[i] + '; '

然后可以通过“注释”列逐行压缩数据。任何有关如何通过SAS中的DATA或PROC SQL步骤完成此操作的见解将不胜感激。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


data want;
   set have;
   by subject notsorted;
   length summary $500.;
   retain summary;
   summary=catx(';',summary, catx(',', cats('Exam:',Exam),cats('Result:',Result),cats('Comments:',Comments)));
   if last.subject then output;
   keep Subject VisitNumber summary;

答案 1 :(得分:2)

出于报告目的,当Proc PRINTBY语句列出相同的变量名称时,ID具有特殊的输出布局。当该组有多行时,这些组将分隔,并且该组的值将不重复

data have;
Subject&$    VisitNumber&  Exam&$    Result&$     Comments&$200.; datalines;
001          1             Blood     Negative     Will return for more testing
001          1             BP        100          Score is in normal range
001          1             Vision    20/20        No issues with eyesight 
002          5             BMI       19           Within healthy range
002          5             Hearing   Good         Patient hears well
002          5             Drug      Negative     Subject passed drug test

ods html style=Journal;
title "Subject visit examinations";
proc print data=have;
  by subject visitnumber;
  id subject visitnumber;

enter image description here
