
时间:2018-12-12 10:30:31

标签: javascript dom


var child = document.getElementsByClassName('className')[0];
var top = child.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var bottom = child.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
var partiallyVisibleBottom = top > 0 && bottom > window.innerHeight;


当我滚动以使感兴趣的元素仅部分可见并且观察变量时,我看到bottom是900而window.innerHeight是1000。但是,由于元素的底部是被截断,我希望这是真的:bottom > window.innerHeight


不确定是否相关,但是此代码在Android WebView中运行。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 纯JS,没有jQuery(但使用jQuery会更加容易,因此您可以致电使用);
  • 查看事件目标的获取方式,这是为了最大程度地实现浏览器的交叉兼容性-如果没有此功能,您将留下一些浏览器;
  • "span1|span2|span3"的过滤器是必需的,因为用户可以很好地单击距实际 span 的一个像素;
  • 布尔部分如何计算和存储以供以后使用;
  • 跨度的id是已知的;
  • 事件处理程序附加在div.container而不是范围上(利用事件冒泡);
  • 使用CSS overflow-y: scroll仅启用垂直滚动条;
  • 外部divcontainer)可能是整个窗口……还是不是整个窗口!


document.getElementById("container").onclick = (ev) => {
  var container, target, crect, trect, partial;

  ev = ev || window.event;
  target = ev.target || ev.srcElement;

  if ("span1|span2|span3".indexOf(target.id) !== -1) // only if a known element was actually clicked!
    container = document.getElementById("container");
    crect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
    trect = target.getBoundingClientRect();

    partial = trect.top < crect.top || trect.bottom > crect.bottom;

    document.getElementById("status").innerText = 
      "target: " + target.id + " partial: " + partial;
<pre id="status">STATUS</pre>
<div id="container" style="border: 1px solid #000; height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll;">
  <span id="span1" style="background-color: #f00;">This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span. This is the first span.</span>
  <span id="span2" style="background-color: #0f0;">This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span. This is the second span.</span>
  <span id="span3" style="background-color: #00f;">This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span. This is the third span.</span>

答案 1 :(得分:0)

