How to deal with annoyingly large tabs in IntelliJ IDEA?

时间:2018-12-19 11:22:48

标签: intellij-idea tabs ide coding-efficiency

Working with some project I'd really like to keep like 8-10 tabs (=files) open at the same time within IntelliJ IDEA as I have to switch between those very often. However the space on the screen is limited especially if the Project Browser and the Remote Host Browser are also open at the same time.

Usually its not that much of a problem but as soon as some remote files are open the labels become very long and therefore the space for tabs decreases even more. Look at the following picture:

ntelliJ large tabs problem

A maximum of four tabs at the same time is visible - sometimes only three.

Its not like others have not found very elegant solutions for this - look at the "pinned tabs" feature of google Chrome for instance:

Chrome pinned tabs

Is there some setting, extension or other possibility how to deal with this problem in IntelliJ? After some research I have only found out that you can switch recent files with Ctrl + E but in my opinion this still is a quite clumsy way to deal with it (especially as it does not work for remote files)

1 个答案:

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您可以使用Preferences | Editor | General | Editor Tabs设置进​​行播放。例如,如果您取消选中Show tabs in one row,则多余的标签将被放置在多行中。您也可以取消选中Show file extensionShow directory for non-unique file names选项。
