WinExec Shellcode

时间:2018-12-20 16:53:43

标签: assembly shellcode

有人可以帮助我实现Winexec以执行命令或使用x86 asm启动cmd.exe吗?


00446001   68 65786500      PUSH 657865 // exe
00446006   8BDC             MOV EBX,ESP
00446008   68 636D642E      PUSH 2E646D63 // cmd.
0044600D   8BCC             MOV ECX,ESP
00446010   53               PUSH EBX
00446011   51               PUSH ECX
00446012   E8 B0337E77      CALL msvcrt.system
00446017   90               NOP

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


;mov eax,1
;push eax
;call there
;db "notepad.exe c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts",0
;call WinExec

push  "sts"
push  "oh\c"
push  "te\s"
push  "revi"
push  "rd\2"
push  "3met"
push  "sys\"
push  "swod"
push  "niw\"
push  ".\:c"
push  " exe"
push  ".dap"
push  "eton"
mov eax,esp ; the last one pushed is the head of the string
push 1
push eax
call WinExec

add esp,52 ; restore stack state (13 pushes)
xor eax,eax
push eax
call ExitProcess