
时间:2018-12-24 20:05:07

标签: vba performance ms-access access-vba



Private Sub Command65_Click()
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim SecondsElapsed As Double
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim ZIP, r As Double
Dim arr(33144, 3) As Double
Dim lat1, long1, lat2, long2, theta As Double
Dim Distance As Integer
Dim deg2rad, rad2deg As Double
Const PI As Double = 3.14159265359
'Dim Variables

StartTime = Timer
deg2rad = PI / 180
rad2deg = 180 / PI

r = Text1.Value
ZIP = Text2.Value
'Get radius and prompted zip code from form

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("US Zip Codes")
'Open the Table named "US Zip Codes"

For i = 0 To 33143
    arr(i, 0) = rs.Fields("ZIP")
    arr(i, 1) = rs.Fields("LAT")
    arr(i, 2) = rs.Fields("LNG")
Next i
'Loop through each Zip Code record and store the Zip Code, Lattitude Point, and Longitude Point to an array

For i = 0 To 33143
    If ZIP = arr(i, 0) Then
        lat1 = arr(i, 1) * deg2rad
        long1 = arr(i, 2) * deg2rad
    End If
Next i
'Loop through the zip code array to get Zip Code's corresponding LAT and LONG

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Clinics")
'Open the Table named "Clinics"

For j = 0 To 2094
    If rs("Clinic ZIP") = ZIP Then
        Distance = 0
        'If Zip Code 1 and Zip Code 2 are equal to each other, Distance = 0
    ElseIf rs("Clinic ZIP") <> "" Then
        zip2 = rs("Clinic ZIP")
        For i = 0 To 33143
            If zip2 = arr(i, 0) Then
                lat2 = arr(i, 1) * deg2rad
                long2 = arr(i, 2) * deg2rad
            End If
        Next i
        'Loop through the zip code array to get the second Zip Code's corresponding LAT and LONG
        theta = long1 - long2
        Distance = ArcCOS(Sin(lat1) * Sin(lat2) + Cos(lat1) * Cos(lat2) * Cos(theta)) * rad2deg * 60 * 1.1515
        'Calculate Distance between the two zip codes
        Distance = 999
        'Set Arbitrary Value if the zip code field is empty
    End If
    rs.Fields("Distance") = Distance
Next j

Me.Filter = "Distance<=" & r
Me.FilterOn = True
'Filter the table with calculated distance by prompted radius
Forms("Zip Search").Requery
Set rs = Nothing

SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds", vbInformation

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


ID  lon        lat       poi_name                                     
--  ---------  --------  ---------------------------------------------
 1   -114.063   51.0466  Palomino Smokehouse: Calgary, AB             
 2   -114.055   51.0494  Bookers BBQ Grill and Crab Shack: Calgary, AB
 3  -86.97871  34.58037  Big Bob Gibson's Original: Decatur, AL       
 4  -87.01763  34.56587  Big Bob Gibson's #2: Decatur, AL             
 5    -86.364  32.26995  DJ's Old Post Office: Hope Hull, AL          

使用{... 1提供的功能...






PARAMETERS prmLon IEEEDouble, prmLat IEEEDouble;
SELECT BBQ2.ID, BBQ2.lon, BBQ2.lat, BBQ2.poi_name, 
    GreatCircleDistance([prmLat],[prmLon],[lat],[lon],True,False) AS km


答案 1 :(得分:2)


import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as Storage from '@google-cloud/storage';
import * as sharp from 'sharp';
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { join, dirname } from 'path';

/* Variaveis Globais */
const gcs = new Storage();

/* Criando o metodo principal */
export const generateThumbs = functions.storage
    .onFinalize(async object => {

        /* Instanciando as constantes */
        const bucket = gcs.bucket(object.bucket);
        const filePath = object.name;
        const contentType = object.contentType;
        const fileName = filePath.split('/').pop();
        const bucketDir = dirname(filePath);
        const customMetadata = object.metadata;

        /* Criando o diretorio e o path temporario */
        const workingDir = join (tmpdir(), 'thumbs');
        const tmpFilePath = join (workingDir, 'source.png');

        /* Verificando se a imagem e a default */
        if (fileName.includes('default')) {
            console.log ('Imagem default não pode ser alterada, saindo da função....');
            return false;

        /* Verificando se o customMetadata existes */
        if ( typeof customMetadata['edited'] === "undefined") {
            customMetadata['edited'] = "false";

        /* Verificando se a imagem e JPEG ou se ja foi alterada */
        if (!object.contentType.includes('image/') || customMetadata['edited'].includes('true')) {
            console.log ('O arquivo já foi alterado ou não é uma imagem, saindo da função...');
            return false;

        /* 1. Garantido que o diretorio do thumbnail existe */
        await fs.ensureDir (workingDir);

        /* 2. Fazendo o download do arquivo de origem */
        console.log ('Fazendo o download do arquivo no path: ' + filePath);
        await bucket.file(filePath).download({
            destination: tmpFilePath

        /* 3. Redimensionando as imagens e definindo o array de promisses  */
        //const sizes = [64, 128, 256];
        const sizes = [256];

        const uploadPromises = sizes.map(async size => {
            console.log ('Redimensionando a imagem e convertendo para JPEG.');
            //const thumbName = `thumbs@${size}_${fileName}`;
            const thumbName = `${fileName}`;
            const thumbPath = join (workingDir, thumbName);

            /* Redimensionando a imagem de origem */
            await sharp (tmpFilePath)
                .resize(size, size)

            /* Upload para o GCS */
            console.log('Fazendo o upload para o GCS.');
            return bucket.upload(thumbPath, {
                destination: join(bucketDir, thumbName),
                metadata: {
                    contentType: contentType,
                    metadata: {
                        'edited': 'true'

            /* Atualizando os metadatas */

        /* Realizando o upload */
        console.log('Fazendo o upload do promisse');
        await Promise.all(uploadPromises);

        /* Limpando os arquivos temporarios */
        console.log ('Removendo os arquivos temporarios e finalizando...');
        return fs.remove (workingDir);


