
时间:2018-12-26 02:11:17

标签: python discord discord.py discord.py-rewrite




    ###allows the user to set the stripe color of their character sheet embed.
async def color_set(self, ctx, *, color:str):
    if "#" in color:
        color = color.replace("#", "")
    member = ctx.message.author
    col = discord.Color(value=int(color, 16))
    await self.config.member(member).color.set(col.to_rgb())
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    col = await self.config.member(member).color()
    pvw = discord.Embed(name="Preview", description="Preview", color=discord.Color.from_rgb(*col))
    await ctx.send(embed=pvw)
    await ctx.send("{}".format(col))

预期: ##character setcol 00fe00: 将00fe00转换为discord.color()对象, 将对象转换为字符串, 将字符串保存在颜色Config变量中, 将字符串转换回discord.Color()对象, 返回带有正确颜色的预览, 打印十六进制代码

实际: ##character setcol 00fe00: 将00fe00转换为discord.color()对象, 将对象转换为字符串, 将字符串保存在颜色Config变量中, 返回错误TypeError: Expected int parameter, received str instead, 函数终止

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###allows the user to set the stripe color of their character sheet embed.
async def color_set(self, ctx, *, color:str):
    if "#" in color:
        color = color.replace("#", "")
    member = ctx.message.author
    col = discord.Color(value=int(color, 16))
    await self.config.member(member).color.set(col.to_rgb())
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    col = await self.config.member(member).color()
    pvw = discord.Embed(name="Preview", description="Preview", color=discord.Color.from_rgb(*col))
    await ctx.send(embed=pvw)
    await ctx.send("{}".format(col))

