使用批处理文件替换csv文件中的(C *)

时间:2018-12-28 19:22:38

标签: csv batch-file

我有一个包含18个字段的csv文件。第四个字段包含几个我想删除的子字符串,包括(C:1-0-1),(NET)和(MR)。如果子字符串包含括号,则以下内容不起作用。如何使此批处理文件使用通配符(C *)删除任何子字符串?我使用“ rem”来帮助进行故障排除,但是最终的批处理文件需要从第四个字段中删除(C *),(NET)和(MR)。

1,"MAY090178","D ","BATMAN HUSH COMPLETE TP (C: 1-1-0)",24.99,11.2455,11.25,3,7,         ,62464962,"76194127923700111","1401223176","978140122317552499","                    ",0,"DC COMICS",000000
1,"NOV141747","F ","BLACK BUTLER GN VOL 19 (C: 1-1-0)",13.00,7.5400,7.54,3,7,         ,62464962,"","0316259403","978031625940851300","                    ",0,"YEN PRESS",127143
2,"MAY151682","F ","BLACK BUTLER GN VOL 20 (C: 1-1-0)",13.00,7.5400,15.08,3,7,         ,62464962,"","0316305014","978031630501351300","                    ",0,"YEN PRESS",127143
1,"AUG180208","D ","BULLY WARS #2 CVR A CONLEY",3.99,1.7955,1.80,1,7,         ,62464962,"70985302666200211","","","                    ",0,"IMAGE COMICS",140749
1,"OCT180162","D ","BULLY WARS #4 CVR A CONLEY",3.99,1.7955,1.80,1,7,         ,62464962,"70985302666200411","","","                    ",0,"IMAGE COMICS",140749
10,"SUPPLY123","J ","COMICARE LONG COMIC BOX (SOLD IN 10) (NET)",2.53,2.5330,25.33,12,7,         ,62464962,"603259601235","","","                    ",0,"",000000

rem | Remove (C: 1-1-0) etc from titles
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=¶" %%A in ('"type     datatest_update.csv"') do (
    SET string=%%A
rem SET string2=%%A
rem SET string3=%%A
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    SET modified=!string:(C: 1-1-0) = !
rem SET modified2=!string:EXTRAS (NET) = !
rem SET modified3=!string:(MR) = !

    >> datatest_update_2.csv echo(!modified!

编辑:我已将文件更新为以下文件,但未运行。我应该使用delims =而不是delims =¶吗?

rem | Remove (C: 1-1-0) etc from titles
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=¶" %%A in ('"type datatest_update_6.csv"') do (
    SET string=%%A
    SET modified=!string: (C: 1-1-0)=!
    SET modified=!modified: (NET)=!
    SET modified=!modified: (MR)=!
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    >> datatest_update_7.csv echo(!modified!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这可以通过基本的替换功能来完成。我们要做的第一件事是搜索包含(C: 1-1-0) EX:"BATMAN HUSH COMPLETE TP (C: 1-1-0)"的数据。从这里我们可以将其设置为该行中的"Replace this""search this"字符串将是整个Raw行数据。


@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

Set "InputFile=File.csv"
Set "FindText=(C: 1-1-0)"

Rem | Expand Document To Loop
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('Type "%InputFile%"') do (

    Set "OriginalLine=%%A"
    Rem | Only Find The Parses Containing "(C:"
    for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=," %%B in ('Echo %%A^| find /I "%FindText%"') do (

        Rem | Remove The Proper String
        SET "RemoveMe=%%E"
        CALL :EditLine !RemoveMe!



REM | Change The %RemoveMe% To ""
Set ReplaceText=!OriginalLine:%1=""%!

REM | Make sure we only edit the ListOfItems line.
FOR /F "delims=" %%n IN ('findstr /n "^" %InputFile%') DO (
    SET line=%%n
    SET Modified=!line:%OriginalLine%=%ReplaceText%!
    SET Modified=!Modified:*:=!

    REM | Output the entire edited INI to a temporary file.
    >> %InputFile%.TEMP ECHO(!Modified!

Rem | Delete Original File, Restore New
DEL %InputFile%
REN %InputFile%.TEMP %InputFile%



基于一个误解,我虽然希望完全删除包含(C: 1-0-1)的列的全部内容。该脚本将解决此问题和“通配符”问题。


但是,要克服此问题,我们可以简单地在包含(C:的文档中查找行,然后在replace函数中删除第4列字符串的最后11个字符。使用find语句,您还可以将结果限制为以下示例:(C: 1-0而不是(C:-文件中的所有{{1 }}将被更改。

(C: 1-2




  • @ECHO OFF @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion Set "InputFile=File.csv" Set "FindText=(C:" Rem | Expand Document To Loop for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('Type "%InputFile%"') do ( Set "OriginalLine=%%A" Rem | Only Find The Parses Containing "(C:" for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=," %%B in ('Echo %%A^| find /I "%FindText%"') do ( Rem | Remove The Proper String SET "RemoveMe=%%E" CALL :EditLine !RemoveMe! ) ) GOTO :EOF :EditLine REM | Remove The %FindText% To Restore Later REM | Since the find command has no wild cards we will remove it via "~0,-11%" REM | This will remove the last 11 characters in the string Set SaveMe=!RemoveMe:"=%! Set "SaveMe=%SaveMe:~0,-11%" REM | Change The %RemoveMe% To %SaveMe% Set ReplaceText=!OriginalLine:%1="%SaveMe%"%! REM | Make sure we only edit the ListOfItems line. FOR /F "delims=" %%n IN ('findstr /n "^" %InputFile%') DO ( SET line=%%n SET Modified=!line:%OriginalLine%=%ReplaceText%%! SET Modified=!Modified:*:=! REM | Output the entire edited INI to a temporary file. >> %InputFile%.TEMP ECHO(!Modified! ) Rem | Delete Original File, Restore New DEL %InputFile% REN %InputFile%.TEMP %InputFile% GOTO :EOF -从现有列中删除。
  • Call :FindText "(C: 1-1-0)" "(C: 1-1-2)" "(C: 1-2"-从现有列中删除。
  • (C: 1-1-0)-从现有列中删除 ALL (C: 1-1-2)


(C: 1-2


  • 1-2-*
  • @ECHO OFF @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion Rem | Configuration Rem | To use the command, Call :FindText "Desired Text One" "Desired Text Two" "exc..." Set "InputFile=File.csv" Call :FindText "(C: 1-1-0)" "(C: 1-1-2)" "(C: 1-1-3)" pause GOTO :EOF Rem | Loop Through Each Search Results :FindText for %%A in (%*) do ( Rem | Expand Document To Loop for /f "tokens=*" %%B in ('Type "%InputFile%"') do ( Set "OriginalLine=%%B" Rem | Only Find The Parses Containing "(C:" for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=," %%C in ('Echo %%B^| find /I %%A') do ( Rem | Remove The Proper String SET "RemoveMe=%%F" CALL :EditLine !RemoveMe! ) ) ) GOTO :EOF :EditLine REM | Remove The %FindText% To Restore Later REM | Since the find command has no wild cards we will remove it via "~0,-11%" REM | This will remove the last 11 characters in the string Set SaveMe=!RemoveMe:"=%! Set "SaveMe=%SaveMe:~0,-11%" REM | Change The %RemoveMe% To %SaveMe% Set ReplaceText=!OriginalLine:%1="%SaveMe%"%! REM | Make sure we only edit the ListOfItems line. FOR /F "delims=" %%n IN ('findstr /n "^" %InputFile%') DO ( SET line=%%n SET Modified=!line:%OriginalLine%=%ReplaceText%%! SET Modified=!Modified:*:=! REM | Output the entire edited INI to a temporary file. >> %InputFile%.TEMP ECHO(!Modified! ) Rem | Delete Original File, Restore New DEL %InputFile% REN %InputFile%.TEMP %InputFile% GOTO :EOF
  • call /?
  • set /?
  • for /?
  • 等等。