谷歌地图 - 如何从地址获取建筑物的多边形坐标?

时间:2011-03-23 06:38:32

标签: google-maps geolocation geocoding


  1. 用户定义地址
  2. 用户定义颜色
  3. 服务在Google地图上搜索相应的建筑物
  4. 服务使用颜色
  5. 填充地图上找到的建筑物



    2.draw the polygon


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

(1)Acquire image tile




(3)图像清理(例如erosion then dilation)+算法以获取多边形角的像素坐标。

(4)Mercator projection to acquire lat/long of pixel

答案 1 :(得分:9)



import numpy as np
from requests.utils import quote
from skimage.measure import find_contours, points_in_poly, approximate_polygon
from skimage import io
from skimage import color
from threading import Thread

center_latitude = None ##put latitude here 
center_longitude = None ##put longitude here 
mapZoom = str(20)
midX = 300
midY = 300
# Styled google maps url showing only the buildings
safeURL_Style = quote('feature:landscape.man_made|element:geometry.stroke|visibility:on|color:0xffffff|weight:1')
urlBuildings = "" + str_Center + "&zoom=" + mapZoom + "&format=png32&sensor=false&size=" + str_Size + "&maptype=roadmap&style=visibility:off&style=" + safeURL_Style

mainBuilding = None
imgBuildings = io.imread(urlBuildings)
gray_imgBuildings = color.rgb2gray(imgBuildings)
# will create inverted binary image
binary_imageBuildings = np.where(gray_imgBuildings > np.mean(gray_imgBuildings), 0.0, 1.0)
contoursBuildings = find_contours(binary_imageBuildings, 0.1)

for n, contourBuilding in enumerate(contoursBuildings):
    if (contourBuilding[0, 1] == contourBuilding[-1, 1]) and (contourBuilding[0, 0] == contourBuilding[-1, 0]):
        # check if it is inside any other polygon, so this will remove any additional elements
        isInside = False
        skipPoly = False
        for othersPolygon in contoursBuildings:
            isInside = points_in_poly(contourBuilding, othersPolygon)
            if all(isInside):
                skipPoly = True

        if skipPoly == False:
            center_inside = points_in_poly(np.array([[midX, midY]]), contourBuilding)
            if center_inside:
        # approximate will generalize the polygon
                mainBuilding = approximate_polygon(contourBuilding, tolerance=2)


现在,您可以使用小型JavaScript和Google Maps API将像素坐标转换为纬度和经度:

function point2LatLng(point, map) {
        var topRight = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(map.getBounds().getNorthEast());
        var bottomLeft = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(map.getBounds().getSouthWest());
        var scale = Math.pow(2, map.getZoom());
        var worldPoint = new google.maps.Point(point.x / scale + bottomLeft.x, point.y / scale + topRight.y);
        return map.getProjection().fromPointToLatLng(worldPoint);

var convertedPointsMain = [];

for (var i = 0; i < pxlMainPolygons[p].length; i++) {
    var conv_point = {
        x: Math.round(pxlMainPolygons[p][i][1]),
        y: Math.round(pxlMainPolygons[p][i][0])
    convertedPointsMain[i] = point2LatLng(conv_point, map);


答案 2 :(得分:3)





答案 3 :(得分:1)

我对这个问题很感兴趣并为它写了一个解决方案。请参阅my github project

答案 4 :(得分:1)

它更容易,因为那样你就可以使用OverPass API
但是,多边形可能与谷歌地图或州调查不匹配 如果您使用谷歌地图,后者也适用。

private static string GetOqlBuildingQuery(int distance, decimal latitude, decimal longitude)
    System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo nfi = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo()
        NumberGroupSeparator = "",
        NumberDecimalSeparator = ".",
        CurrencyGroupSeparator = "",
        CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ".",
        CurrencySymbol = ""

    // [out: json];
    // way(around:25, 47.360867, 8.534703)["building"];
    // out ids geom meta;

    string oqlQuery = @"[out:json];
way(around:" + distance.ToString(nfi) + ", "
+ latitude.ToString(nfi) + ", " + longitude.ToString(nfi)
+ @")[""building""];
out ids geom;"; // ohne meta - ist minimal

    return oqlQuery;

public static System.Collections.Generic.List<Wgs84Point> GetWgs84PolygonPoints(int distance, decimal latitude, decimal longitude)
    string[] overpass_services = new string[] {
        // "", // offline...

    // string url = "";
    // string url = "";
    string url = overpass_services[s_rnd.Next(0, overpass_services.Length)];

    System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection reqparm = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
    reqparm.Add("data", GetOqlBuildingQuery(distance, latitude, longitude));

    string resp = PostRequest(url, reqparm);
    // System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"D:\username\Documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\TestPlotly\TestSpatial\testResponse.json", resp, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
    // System.Console.WriteLine(resp);
    // string resp = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"D:\username\Documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\TestPlotly\TestSpatial\testResponse.json", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

    System.Collections.Generic.List<Wgs84Point> ls = null;

    Overpass.Building.BuildingInfo ro = Overpass.Building.BuildingInfo.FromJson(resp);

    if (ro != null && ro.Elements != null && ro.Elements.Count > 0 && ro.Elements[0].Geometry != null)
        ls = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Wgs84Point>();

        for (int i = 0; i < ro.Elements[0].Geometry.Count; ++i)
            ls.Add(new Wgs84Point(ro.Elements[0].Geometry[i].Latitude, ro.Elements[0].Geometry[i].Longitude, i));
        } // Next i 

    } // End if (ro != null && ro.Elements != null && ro.Elements.Count > 0 && ro.Elements[0].Geometry != null) 

    return ls;
} // End Function GetWgs84Points 

答案 5 :(得分:0)

Google Maps API包含GeocoderResults object,可能就是您所需要的。特别是geometry字段中返回的数据。