
时间:2019-01-04 14:09:34

标签: r dataframe

我有以下数据框,用于存储学生对每个问题的正确尝试,其中“ 1”代表正确尝试,“ 0”代表错误尝试,如下所示:

structure(list(X1 = c(1, 1), X2 = c(0, 0), X3 = c(1, 1), X4 = c(1, 
0), X5 = c(1, 1), X6 = c(1, 1), X7 = c(1, 1), X8 = c(0, 0), X9 = c(0, 
0), X10 = c(1, 1), X11 = c(1, 1), X12 = c(0, 0), X13 = c(0, 1
), X14 = c(0, 0), X15 = c(0, 0), X16 = c(1, 1), X17 = c(1, 1), 
X18 = c(0, 0), X19 = c(1, 1), X20 = c(0, 0), X21 = c(1, 1
), X22 = c(1, 1), X23 = c(1, 1), X24 = c(1, 1), X25 = c(1, 
1), X26 = c(1, 1), X27 = c(1, 1), X28 = c(0, 0), X29 = c(1, 
1), X30 = c(1, 1), X31 = c(1, 1), X32 = c(0, 0), X33 = c(1, 
1)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"



关于实现此算法的我的基本想法是(对于第i个问题): 1.子集第i个条目为0的所有行 2.计算子矩阵中每个j问题的'0'比例 3.将结果作为向量返回 4.对所有i重复1-3,并将这些向量rbind到矩阵中。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


# simulate some data--100 students across 33 questions
x <- data.frame(matrix(sample(c(0,1),3300,replace=T),nrow=100))
# invert x to show incorrect as 1--can then use simple sums
x <- (-x + 1)
checkit <- function(x,n) {
    # filter out students with incorrect for question n and calculate probs
    return(x %>% filter(.,.[,n]==1) %>% {colSums(.)/nrow(.)})
# set up destination matrix
probs <- matrix(numeric(33*33), nrow=ncol(x))
# fill it line by line
for (i in 1:33) {
    probs[i,] <- checkit(x,i)

