时间:2019-01-08 10:05:09

标签: image matlab image-processing rgb



p = imread("train.jpg");

redChannel = p(:, :, 1);
greenChannel = p(:, :, 2);
blueChannel = p(:, :, 3);

% Median Filter the channels:
redMF = medfilt2(redChannel, [3 3]);
greenMF = medfilt2(greenChannel, [3 3]);
blueMF = medfilt2(blueChannel, [3 3]);

% Find the noise in the red.
noiseImage = (redChannel == 0 | redChannel == 255);
% Get rid of the noise in the red by replacing with median.
noiseFreeRed = redChannel;
noiseFreeRed(noiseImage) = redMF(noiseImage);
% Find the noise in the green.
noiseImage = (greenChannel == 0 | greenChannel == 255);
% Get rid of the noise in the green by replacing with median.
noiseFreeGreen = greenChannel;
noiseFreeGreen(noiseImage) = greenMF(noiseImage);
% Find the noise in the blue.
noiseImage = (blueChannel == 0 | blueChannel == 255);
% Get rid of the noise in the blue by replacing with median.
noiseFreeBlue = blueChannel;
noiseFreeBlue(noiseImage) = blueMF(noiseImage);
% Reconstruct the noise free RGB image
rgbFixed = cat(3, noiseFreeRed, noiseFreeGreen, noiseFreeBlue);

figure, imshow(rgbFixed);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Ander Biguri commented一样,有许多方法可以减少图像中的噪点。在此处枚举所有这些超出了堆栈溢出的范围。但我建议一种方法:中值滤波。我建议这样做是因为您已经在做!


p = imread("train.jpg");

redChannel = p(:, :, 1);
greenChannel = p(:, :, 2);
blueChannel = p(:, :, 3);

% Median Filter the channels:
redMF = medfilt2(redChannel, [3 3]);
greenMF = medfilt2(greenChannel, [3 3]);
blueMF = medfilt2(blueChannel, [3 3]);

rgbFixed = cat(3, redMF, greenMF, blueMF)

figure, imshow(rgbFixed);

