
时间:2019-01-09 09:51:34

标签: c# visual-studio

我正在尝试为Visual Studio创建一个自定义的Connected Service插件。我遇到了一个问题,即不是所有引用的程序集都打包在VSIX文件中,这意味着在运行时我会收到有关加载程序集的错误。奇怪的是有些组件被拉入,而另一些则没有,我无法弄清它们之间的区别。


=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: DisplayName = Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Enterprise/Common7/IDE/
LOG: Initial PrivatePath = NULL
Calling assembly : Flurl.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
LOG: This bind starts in LoadFrom load context.
WRN: Native image will not be probed in LoadFrom context. Native image will only be probed in default load context, like with Assembly.Load().
LOG: Using application configuration file: C:\Users\rjc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_fa79a415Exp\devenv.exe.config
LOG: Using host configuration file: 
LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.
LOG: The same bind was seen before, and was failed with hr = 0x80070002.


我尝试在the Connected Services github repo提出问题,但是将近一个月没有回复。我很想知道其他人是否遇到过类似的问题,或者可能知道我的缺失/做错了什么?

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