Why can't I reference self.text_1 in the constructor from my kv file?

时间:2019-01-09 21:45:12

标签: python python-3.x kivy kivy-language

I'm working on a simple Kivy Popup and I'm confused as to why I can't reference my class variable, 'self.text_1', from within the constructor of the Popup class, but I can do so with the variable 'self.title'.

First, I'll start with the ubiquitous, "I'm new to Python and Kivy, so perhaps I'm just missing something obvious, but I'm at a loss."

I've tried to find answers, but nothing so far has seemed to cover this topic, at least in a way that I can understand and draw the connection. Below is my problem and some simplified code for demonstration.

From within the kv file > Label widget > text, I can refer to 'text_1' from the CustomPopup class in my py file by using 'root.text_1' when the variable is placed outside of the constructor (either before or after), but I cannot do so when placed within. The 'self.title' variable is setup the exact same way as 'self.text_1', but I CAN get that value without issue.

If I un-comment this line, using 'root.text_1' in the kv file returns the correct value.

class CustomPopup( Popup ):
    # I can reference this text from the kv file using "root.text_1"
    # text_1 = 'blah blah blah'

If instead I try to use 'self.text_1' from within the constructor, I get an Attribute error. However, I have no issues using the variable 'self.title' just below 'self.text_1'.

AttributeError: 'CustomPopup' object has no attribute 'text_1'

def __init__( self, foo = 'bar' ):
    self.foo =  foo

    # I can't reference this text from the kv file using "root.text_1". Why?
    self.text_1 = 'blah blah {foo}'.format( foo = self.foo )

    # I can reference this text from the kv file using "root.title"
    self.title = 'Title {foo}!'.format( foo = self.foo )

What is the difference here as to why I can get the value from one constructor variable, but not another with ostensibly similar syntax?

I'm using Python 3.7.1 (conda version : 4.5.12) and Kivy 1.10.1.


import kivy
from kivy import Config
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup

kivy.require( '1.10.1' )

Config.set( 'graphics', 'fullscreen', 0 )
Config.set( 'graphics', 'height', 600 )
Config.set( 'graphics', 'width', 800 )
Config.set( 'graphics', 'resizable', 0 )
Config.set( 'kivy', 'exit_on_escape', 0 )

class CustomPopup( Popup ):
    # I can reference this text from the kv file using "root.text_1"
    # text_1 = 'blah blah blah'

    def __init__( self, foo = 'bar' ):
        self.foo =  foo

        # I can't reference this text from the kv file using "root.title". Why?
        self.text_1 = 'blah blah {foo}'.format( foo = self.foo )

        # I can reference this text from the kv file using "root.title"
        self.title = 'Title {foo}!'.format( foo = self.foo )

class CustomPopupTestApp( App ):
    def build( self ):
        return CustomPopup()

#Instantiate top-level/root widget and run it
if __name__ == "__main__":


    id: popup
    title: root.title
    title_size: 30
    title_align: 'center'
    size_hint: 0.8, 0.8
    auto_dismiss: False
    pos_hint: { 'x' : 0.1 , 'y' : 0.1 }

        cols: 1
        rows: 2
        spacing: 15
        padding: 15

            id: content
            text: root.text_1
            font_size: 25
            padding: 15, 25
            size_hint_y: None
            text_size: self.width, None
            height: self.texture_size[ 1 ]
            halign: 'center'

            cols: 2
            rows: 1

                anchor_x : 'center'
                anchor_y : 'bottom'
                padding: 20

                    id: yes
                    text: 'Yes'
                    font_size: 30
                    size_hint: 0.8, 0.4

                anchor_x : 'center'
                anchor_y : 'bottom'
                padding: 20

                    id: no
                    text: 'No'
                    font_size: 30
                    size_hint: 0.8, 0.4

I would like to setup the text for my pop-up and use the str.format() method to insert a variable text element so that my message is tailored to the circumstances at hand, rather than generic or hard-coded with multiple options.

In this case, I pass an argument of 'foo' to the constructor, set the variable 'self.foo' equal to 'foo', then refer to 'self.foo' within my 'self.title' string and 'self.text_1' string.

If I place 'text_1' outside of the constructor, while I can retrieve the text value, since 'foo' hasn't been defined within that scope, I can't reference it to format my string.

I am interested in other solutions and any opportunity to learn, but ultimately, if there's a way to make this work without a workaround, that would be ideal.

Thanks in advance for any help. I've already learned a ton from everyone on this site.

P.S. - If I've done something "stupid" or offended your sensibilities, please provide a suggestion or correction rather than just berate me. Sometimes people get negative and it's (usually) not necessary.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


首先,我没有像以前那样称呼“ self.title”。因此,我没有看到'self.title'与'self.text_1'有不同的行为;我看到了相同的行为。那么,如何才能显示标题而不显示内容?

“弹出”窗口小部件具有“标题”和“内容”的固有属性。当我在CustomPopup()中定义“ self.title”时,我只是提供了该属性的值。即使删除了相应的kv代码“ title:root.title”,仍会显示为“ self.title”定义的相同值。这是关键时刻,因为“ self.title”和“ self.text_1”这两个红色鲱鱼让我分心了。

一旦排除了我在两行本来相同的代码中看到不同行为的问题,我就会更深入地研究如何定义CustomPopup类。那时我碰到了展示如何正确处理该帖子的帖子:Kivy: How to get class Variables in Popup




import kivy
from kivy import Config
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup
from kivy.properties import StringProperty

kivy.require( '1.10.1' )

Config.set( 'graphics', 'fullscreen', 0 )
Config.set( 'graphics', 'height', 600 )
Config.set( 'graphics', 'width', 800 )
Config.set( 'graphics', 'resizable', 0 )
Config.set( 'kivy', 'exit_on_escape', 0 )

class CustomPopup( Popup ):

    text_1 = StringProperty( '' )

    def __init__( self, foo = 'bar' ):
        super( CustomPopup, self ).__init__()

        self.foo =  foo

        self.text_1 =  'blah blah {foo}'.format( foo = self.foo )

        self.title = 'Title {foo}!'.format( foo = self.foo )

class CustomPopupTestApp( App ):
    def build( self ):
        blarg = CustomPopup()
        return blarg

#Instantiate top-level/root widget and run it
if __name__ == "__main__":


    id: popup
    # title: root.title
    title_size: 30
    title_align: 'center'
    size_hint: 0.8, 0.8
    auto_dismiss: False
    pos_hint: { 'x' : 0.1 , 'y' : 0.1 }

        cols: 1
        rows: 2
        spacing: 15
        padding: 15

            id: content
            text: root.text_1
            font_size: 25
            padding: 15, 25
            size_hint_y: None
            text_size: self.width, None
            height: self.texture_size[ 1 ]
            halign: 'center'

            cols: 2
            rows: 1

                anchor_x : 'center'
                anchor_y : 'bottom'
                padding: 20

                    id: yes
                    text: 'Yes'
                    font_size: 30
                    size_hint: 0.8, 0.4

                anchor_x : 'center'
                anchor_y : 'bottom'
                padding: 20

                    id: no
                    text: 'No'
                    font_size: 30
                    size_hint: 0.8, 0.4

请注意,kv文件不再引用“ root.title”,但标题仍可以正确显示。


CustomPopupTest Working Solution

