
时间:2019-01-10 23:02:39

标签: email outlook-vba


Conversation Header


Set selection = ActiveExplorer.selection
Set CurrentFolder = selection(1).Parent



If TypeOf selection Is Outlook.MailItem Then
    Set CurrentFolder = selection(1).Parent
ElseIf TypeOf selection Is Outlook.ConversationHeader Then
    'Set CurrentFolder
    'Return error
End If



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

选择属性返回Selection对象,而不是单个项目。您将需要遍历选择项(使用for each从1到for的“ Selection.Count”或“ Selection.Item(index)”循环)才能到达所选项目。< / p>


答案 1 :(得分:0)

Selection.Item(index) will throw an exception if your selection is the ConversationHeader indicated in the supplied image.

I was unable to locate an actual type of object for that heading, but there are some ways around it. Once identified that it isn't a MailItem you can check ActiveExplorer.Selection.GetSelection(Outlook.OlSelectionContents.olConversationHeaders)


Most notably, they indicate

Calling GetSelection with olConversationHeaders as the argument returns a Selection object that has the Location property equal to OlSelectionLocation.olViewList.

If the current view is not a conversation view, or, if Selection.Location is not equal to OlSelectionLocation.olViewList , calling GetSelection with olConversationHeaders as the argument returns a Selection object with Selection.Count equal to 0.

Running a quick test of this

Dim oSelection = Selection
Set oSelection = ActiveExplorer.Selection.GetSelection(olConversationHeaders)
Print oSelect.Count 
--returns 1 when i have that odd header selected.  
--returns 0 when you have a mailItem within the header selected

Furthermore, take a look at How to move all messages in a conversation?

We can easily adjust the answers given to something along the lines of :

Set conversations = ActiveExplorer.Selection.GetSelection(Outlook.OlSelectionContents.olConversationHeaders)
Dim sItems As SimpleItems
    For Each Header In conversations
        Set Items = Header.GetItems()
        For i = 1 To Items.Count
            If TypeOf Items(i) Is Outlook.MailItem Then
            Debug.Print (Items(i).Parent)
            End If
        Next i
    Next Header
End Sub

Notably this only returned headers for emails in the selected group that were IN the folder the selection was made. I believe you'd have to further up the ante-by going into the getConversations and Conversations objects to travel down/upstream.
