使断点在将来共享库加载时挂起? (y或[n])

时间:2019-01-12 16:45:53

标签: c++ linux gdb

这是我的代码和操作,我想一步一步地调试我的代码(以下代码只是一个例子) main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

extern int addd(int ,int);

int main()
    std::string str = "Hello";

    std::cout << str << std::endl;

    int a = 10,b = 20;

    std::cout << a + b << std::endl;

    return 0;


int add(int a,int b)
    return a + b;

我使用模板生成文件格式makefiletemplate只是在执行g ++命令时修改了一些不常见的内容:

[root@centos-linux-10 52coder]# make
g++ -std=c++11 -g   -O3 -Wall -Wextra      -c opr.cpp -o opr.o
g++ -std=c++11 -g   -O3 -Wall -Wextra      -c main.cpp -o main.o
g++ -std=c++11 -g   -O3 -Wall -Wextra         ./opr.o ./main.o  -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--strip-all   -o torun
Type ./torun to execute the program.

我使用-O3 2 1,都弄错了。 我只想逐步调试函数主代码,就像这样:

[root@centos-linux-10 52coder]# gdb torun 
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.1-110.el7
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /root/52coder/patchtool...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) b main
Function "main" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) n
(gdb) b /root/52coder.cpp:8
No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) n
(gdb) show directories
Source directories searched: $cdir:$cwd


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



 g++ -std=c++11 -g   -O3 -Wall -Wextra ./opr.o ./main.o  -o torun

使用较少的compiler optimizations(例如,-O0-Og-O1,而不是-O3),您可能会发现调试程序更容易。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


我猜你是说b /root/52coder/main.cpp:8还是b main.cpp:8
