退格在Windows 64位的gvim 7.2中不起作用?

时间:2011-03-24 13:22:23

标签: windows-7 vim windows-7-x64 backspace

我刚刚在我的新机器上安装了64-bit zipped version for Windows of gvim,并I changed some settings使其与Visual Studio 2010兼容。



set nowrap
set ruler
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set ff=dos


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:69)


Influences the working of <BS>, <Del>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U in Insert
mode.  This is a list of items, separated by commas.  Each item allows
a way to backspace over something:
value       effect
indent      allow backspacing over autoindent
eol         allow backspacing over line breaks (join lines)
start       allow backspacing over the start of insert; CTRL-W and CTRL-U
            stop once at the start of insert.

owen_water's suggestion与Carpetsmoker的评论相同,启用了所有这三个评论。这通常是人们想要的,因为让Vim拒绝让你退格的文本有点令人惊讶。因此,请选择两个相同的选择 - 我会选择更详细和清晰的选择:

set backspace=2
set backspace=indent,eol,start

在某些情况下,糟糕的终端可能会混乱退格和删除,但我怀疑这是你在Windows中的问题。有一些解决这个问题的能力;见:help fixdel

答案 1 :(得分:12)

从不在Windows中使用vim,但我在开放的solaris之前遇到了同样的问题 试试吧:

set backspace=2