Google Admin Directory API-使用Google表格脚本授予对服务帐户的访问权限

时间:2019-01-16 00:27:12

标签: google-apps-script google-sheets google-directory-api



    var PRIVATE_KEY =
    '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY--------END PRIVATE KEY-----\n';
var CLIENT_EMAIL = '';
var USER_EMAIL = '';

function getService() {
  return OAuth2.createService('Domain:' + USER_EMAIL)
      // Set the endpoint URL.

      // Set the private key and issuer.

      // Set the name of the user to impersonate. This will only work for
      // Google Apps for Work/EDU accounts whose admin has setup domain-wide
      // delegation:

      // Set the property store where authorized tokens should be persisted.

      // Set the scope. This must match one of the scopes configured during the
      // setup of domain-wide delegation.

function listAllUsers() {

  var service = getService();
  if (service.hasAccess()) {
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
    var pageToken,
    count = 0;
    var listArray = [];
    listArray.push(['full name', 'first name', 'last name', 'email', 'orgunit', 'department', 'title', 'phoneType', 'phoneNumber', 'ID'])
    do {
        page = AdminDirectory.Users.list({
                domain: "",     // Google Apps domain name
                orderBy: "email",     
                pageToken : pageToken
        var users = page.users;
        if (users) {
            for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
                var user = users[i];
                var department,
                title, phonetype, phonenumber, orgunit; // Addded two new variables 
                try { // Try to get the users department if there is an error push the error to the array
                    department = user.organizations[0].department;
                } catch (e) {
                    department = e
                try {// Try to get the users title if there is an error push the error to the array
                    title = user.organizations[0].title;
                } catch (e) {
                    title = e
              try {// Try to get the users PhoneType if there is an error push the error to the array
                    phonetype = user.phones[0].type;
                } catch (e) {
                    title = e
              try {// Try to get the users PhoneNumber if there is an error push the error to the array
                    phonenumber = user.phones[0].value;
                } catch (e) {
                    title = e
              try {// Try to get the users PhoneNumber if there is an error push the error to the array
                    orgunit = user.organizations[0].name;
                } catch (e) {
                    title = e
                listArray.push([,,, user.primaryEmail, orgunit, department, title, phonetype, phonenumber,]);

        pageToken = page.nextPageToken;
         // This means you only get one page
    } while (pageToken);
    try {
        var outputSheet = ss.getSheetByName('allMembers');
    } catch (err) {
        var outputSheet = ss.insertSheet('allMembers', 2);
    outputSheet.getRange(1, 1, listArray.length, listArray[0].length).setValues(listArray);
    outputSheet.getRange(1, 6, outputSheet.getLastRow(), 4).setHorizontalAlignment("center");
    outputSheet.getRange(1, 1, outputSheet.getLastRow(), 1).setHorizontalAlignment("center");
    var width = [150, 150, 180, 250, 250, 200];
  } }

当我使用viewtype domain_public运行它时,它可以工作,但仅提取全局目录数据,而不提取组织单位之类的隐藏数据。

我收到错误“未授权”以访问此资源/ api(第41行,文件“代码”)




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