
时间:2019-01-23 11:00:46

标签: ios react-native

注意这更多是iOS故障排除问题,而不是React Native问题。因此,即使您是iOS开发人员,而不是专门从事React Native,也请进一步阅读。非常感谢您的帮助:)

我正在使用https://github.com/syanbo/react-native-agora的react native包装器通过Agora SDK构建React Native应用程序


2019-01-23 16:20:18.512762+0530 PwcApp[786:355367] Exception '-[AgoraRtcEngineKit setClientRole:withKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1072a7b80' was thrown while invoking init on target Agora with params (
        appid = c617eddc6ceb4782adb509aa91b17580;
        channelProfile = 1;
        clientRole = 1;
        swapWidthAndHeight = 1;
        videoProfile = 40;
callstack: (
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001beb37f10 <redacted> + 252
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00000001bdd05a40 objc_exception_throw + 56
    2   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001bea4f154 <redacted> + 0
    3   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001beb3d810 <redacted> + 1412
    4   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001beb3f4bc _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 92
    5   PwcApp                              0x00000001055f48f4 -[RCTAgora init:] + 1200
    6   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001beb3f660 <redacted> + 144
    7   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001bea1b980 <redacted> + 292
    8   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001bea1c564 <redacted> + 60
    9   PwcApp                              0x00000001048fa30c -[RCTModuleMethod invokeWithBridge:module:arguments:] + 492
    10  PwcApp                              0x000000010493fa60 _ZN8facebook5reactL11invokeInnerEP9RCTBridgeP13RCTModuleDatajRKN5folly7dynamicE + 248
    11  PwcApp                              0x000000010493f7bc ___ZN8facebook5react15RCTNativeModule6invokeEjON5folly7dynamicEi_block_invoke + 88
    12  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000106e87840 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
    13  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000106e88de4 _dispatch_client_callout + 16
    14  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000106e96a94 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 1360
    15  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001beac61bc <redacted> + 12
    16  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001beac1084 <redacted> + 1964
    17  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001beac05b8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 436
    18  GraphicsServices                    0x00000001c0d34584 GSEventRunModal + 100
    19  UIKitCore                           0x00000001eb507558 UIApplicationMain + 212
    20  PwcApp                              0x0000000104787240 main + 124
    21  libdyld.dylib                       0x00000001be580b94 <redacted> + 4


  1. 在发布时将Strip debug symbols on copy设置为NO(与debug设置相同)。
  2. 在发布时将Dead code stripping设置为NO(与debug设置相同)。
  3. 在发布时将Build Active Architecture only设置为NO(与debug设置相同)。
  4. Optimization level设置为NONE [-O0](与debug相同)。


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