
时间:2019-01-28 10:35:23

标签: json powershell




使用PS v5


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尝试一下(Powershell v3 +)。这个想法是先读取两个JSON文件,在内存中进行比较,然后将第二个(更新的)JSON再次导出到文件中。

# function to copy JSON properties from source to target
# obj1: source object
# obj2: target object
# (values will be copied,
# missing properties will be added,
# extra properties will be left untouched)
function Copy_Keys ($obj1, $obj2) {
    # loop properties of source object
    foreach ($property1 in $obj1.PSObject.Properties) {
        $key = $property1.Name
        $value1 = $property1.Value
        $property2 = $obj2.PSObject.Properties.Item($key)
        # check if property exists in target object
        if ($null -ne $property2) {
            $value2 = $property2.Value
            # if both values are objects: compare recursively
            if ($value1 -is [PSObject] -and $value2 -is [PSObject]) {
                Copy_Keys $value1 $value2
            # else simply copy the value
            else {
                $obj2.$key = $value1
        # property does not exist: add it
        else {
             $obj2 | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $value1

# Read JSON from source(s)
$obj1 = Get-Content "file1.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
$obj2 = Get-Content "file2.json" | ConvertFrom-Json

# Copy the properties
Copy_Keys $obj1 $obj2

# Update file2 by re-exporting the JSON
$obj2 | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "file2.json"