
时间:2019-01-29 04:44:53

标签: javascript html css



//js start

var showButton = document.querySelector("#show");
var hideButton = document.querySelector("#hide");

colorBar.style.backgroundColor = "red";

showButton.addEventListener("click", showDiv, false);
hideButton.addEventListener("click", hideDiv, false);

function showDiv(e) {
    colorBar.style.display = "block";

function hideDiv(e) {
    colorBar.style.display = "none";

var showButton = document.querySelector("#show");
showButton.addEventListener("click", showColorHandler, false);

function showColorHandler(e) {
    var r = parseInt("55");
    var g = parseInt("11");
    var b = parseInt("99");

    container.style.backgroundColor  = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";            

container.style.backgroundColor = "burlywood";

var showButton = document.querySelector("#show");
var clearButton = document.querySelector("#clear");

showButton.addEventListener("click", showColorHandler, false);
clearButton.addEventListener("click", clearColorHandler, false);

function showColorHandler(e) {
    var r = parseInt("55");
    var g = parseInt("11");
    var b = parseInt("99");

    colorBar.style.backgroundColor  = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";         

function clearColorHandler(e) {

function clear() {
    colorBar.style.backgroundColor = "OldLace";

var input = document.querySelector("#input");
var button = document.querySelector("#clicker");

button.addEventListener("click", clickHandler, false);

function clickHandler(e) {
    var n = parseInt( input.value );

    // validate the input value
    if ( validate(n)){
        output.innerHTML = "you entered " + n;
    else {
        alert("You must enter a number from 1 to 10!");

function validate(n) {
    if ( n < 1 || n > 10) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

//js end

//html start

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>CSS Color sampler</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="colorStyles.css">

    <div id="container">
        <p><strong>Enter a number from 0 to 255:</strong></p>
         <div class = inputArea> <p>Red</p>
        <input type="text" id="input" maxlength="3" size="5" value="55" align="right">

        <div class = inputArea>
        <input type="text" id="input" maxlength="3" size="5" value="11" align="right">

        <div class = inputArea>
        <input type="text" id="input" maxlength="3" size="5" value="99" align="right">

        <div id="colorBar"></div>

        <button id="show">Show me the color!</button>
        <button id="hide">Hide the color</button><br>
        <button id="clear">Reset all</button><br>    


      <script src="colorChange.js"></script>


//html end


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


此演示的工作方式是我有三个输入:一个用于红色,一个用于蓝色,一个用于绿色。我使用value HTML属性将这些输入设置为从0开始。我的JavaScript中有事件监听器,等待用户更改这些输入。一旦其中之一被更改,我将触发一个函数,该函数获取输入的当前值并从其中创建一个“ rgb()”字符串。然后,它使用styles.backgroundColor =将此字符串应用于div。这样,用户可以通过更改三个输入来操纵div的颜色。

Here's a silly little website我这样做是为了娱乐。


const div = document.getElementById("div");
const rInput = document.getElementById("r");
const gInput = document.getElementById("g");
const bInput = document.getElementById("b");

document.getElementById("r").addEventListener('change', () => {
document.getElementById("g").addEventListener('change', () => {
document.getElementById("b").addEventListener('change', () => {

function handleInputs() {
  const rVal = rInput.value;
  const gVal = gInput.value;
  const bVal = bInput.value;
  const rgbVal = `rgb(${rVal},${gVal},${bVal})`;
  div.style.backgroundColor = rgbVal;
<input id="r" placeholder="R" type="number" value=0 min="0" max="255" step="1"></input>
<input id="g" placeholder="G" type="number" value=0 min="0" max="255" step="1"></input>
<input id="b" placeholder="B" type="number" value=0 min="0" max="255" step="1"></input>
<div id="div" style="height: 200px; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"></div>

