
时间:2019-01-30 15:19:37

标签: sql tsql database-design database-normalization


Table: tblInspectionForm
inspectionformid (either autoint or guid)
userid (user ID who entered it)
datestamp (added, modified, whatever)
Question1Answer: boolean (maybe a yes/no)
Question2Answer: int (maybe foreign key for sub table 1 with dropdown values)
Question3Answer: int (foreign key for sub table 2 with dropdown values)


但是, IF 所有问题都是完全相同的数据类型(假设没有Q1或Q1也是一个整数),它们链接到完全相同的外键(例如,一个具有20个字符的表格)都是1-10的问题,或者有相同的答案可供选择),这样做会更好吗?

so .. Table: tblInspectionForm
userid (user ID who entered it)
datestamp (added, modified, whatever)
... and that's it for table 1 .. then

Table2: tblInspectionAnswers
inspectionformid (composite key that links back to table1 record)
userid (composite key that links back to table1 record)
datastamp  (composite key that links back to table1 record)
QuestionIDNumber: int (question 1, question 2, question3)
QuestionAnswer: int (foreign key)




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可能还需要一个用于问题类型的表格(即自由文本,多项选择,是/否)。 基本上,架构应如下所示:

create table Forms
    id int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
    name varchar(100) not null, -- with a unique index
    -- other form related fields here
create table QuestionTypes
    id int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
    name varchar(100) not null, -- with a unique index

create table Questions
    id int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
    form_id int not null foreign key references Forms(id),
    type_id int not null foreign key references QuestionTypes(id),
    content varchar(1000)

create table Answers
    id int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
    question_id int not null foreign key references Questions(id),
    content varchar(1000)
    -- For quizez, unremark the next row:
    -- isCorrect bit not null

create table Results
    id int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
    form_id int not null foreign key references Forms(id)
    -- in case only registered users can fill the form, unremark the next row
    --user_id int not null foreign key references Users(id), 

create table UserAnswers
    result_id int not null foreign key references Results(id), 
    question_id int not null foreign key references Questions(id), 
    answer_id int not null foreign key references Answers(id),
    content varchar(1000) null -- for free text questions


答案 1 :(得分:0)



因此,如果q_var = 2您知道要在answer_varchar中查找,而q_value = 1您知道是int且需要查找(其名称也可以与问题一起指定并存储在列中)。


答案 2 :(得分:0)
