
时间:2019-02-04 21:38:08

标签: excel vba

当我仅使用一个工作簿并在工作表之间通信时,我的代码正在工作,但是当我尝试引用其他工作簿中包含的工作表中的单元格范围时,出现下标错误和对象未定义错误。现在,该错误发生在“ Set pidat = Worksheets(“ pidat”)

 Dim pival As Double
'Dim eom As Worksheet 'declaring pidat worksheet as variable
'Set eom = Worksheets("EOM") 'declaring eom worksheet as variable
'Set Inv_Level = Worksheets("Inv_Levels")

Dim pidat As Worksheet                       'declaring eom worksheet as variable
Set pidat = Worksheets("pidat")
Dim steve As Workbook
Set steve = Application.Workbooks("EOM Report VBA")
Dim EOMAs As Workbook
Set EOMAs = Application.Workbooks("EOMA")
Dim Inv_Level As Worksheet

'These changes allow for a dynamic range to be referenced outside of the active sheet/workbook

Dim location As String
Dim rownum As Long
Dim loopy As Long
Dim fRng As Range
Dim J As Long
Dim rn As Date
Dim last As Date
Dim rnm As Integer
Dim lastm As Integer
Dim tyear As Long
Dim K As Long

With pidat
    J = .Range("J2").Value
    rn = Now
    last = .Range("B1").Value
    rnm = month(rn)
    lastm = month(last)
    tyear = year(rn)

    If lastm < rnm Then
        .Range("B1") = (rnm & "/" & "01" & "/" & tyear & " 07:30")
        J = J + 100
        .Range("J2") = J

    End If
End With

K = J + 100

'names of workbook/sheet referenced

With steve

    rownum = .Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'counts the number of rows in the location tag column

    For loopy = 3 To rownum                  'Data values start after row 3, loops through each row in the column

        If .Range("E" & loopy) <> "" Then

            location = .Range("E" & loopy)
            'newloc = location
            With Inv_Level

                Set fRng = .Cells.Range("A" & J, "ZZ" & K).Find(What:=location, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart) 'eom can be any sheet you need to perform the .Find again
            End With

            If Not fRng Is Nothing Then
                fRng.Offset(0, -1) = pidat.Range("D" & loopy)
            Else: End If
            'if the search item is not found, do nothing, go to next loop
        End If

    Next loopy

End With

End Sub

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如果执行此行时活动工作簿没有名为Set pidat = Worksheets("pidat")的工作表,则pidat行将失败。


Dim theWorkbook as Workbook
Set theWorkbook = Application.Workbooks("myWorkbook")

Dim pidat as Worksheet
Set pidat = theWorkbook.Worksheets("pidat")

您可以再进一步一步,验证合格的工作簿中是否存在名为pidat (or whatever)的工作表,但我将让您发现如何做:)