
时间:2019-02-06 21:34:01

标签: java


Hellgrau (light gray)
Schwarz (black)
Dunkelgrau (dark gray)
Dunkelpink (dark pink)

顺便说一下,它是一个黑色像素,具有 rgb(0,0,0);

您知道问题出在哪里吗:Link to code

 import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * Java Code to get a color name from rgb/hex value/awt color
 * The part of looking up a color name from the rgb values is edited from
 * (that has some errors) by Ryan Mast (nightlark)
 * @author Xiaoxiao Li
public class ColorUtils {

     * Initialize the color list that we have.
    private ArrayList<ColorName> initColorList() {
        ArrayList<ColorName> colorList = new ArrayList<ColorName>();
        colorList.add(new ColorName("Hellgrau", 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Rot", 0xEF, 0x13, 0x0B));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Orange", 0xFF, 0x71, 0x00));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Gelb", 0xFF, 0xE4, 0x00));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Grün", 0x00, 0xCC, 0x00));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Hellblau", 0x00, 0xB2, 0xFF)); 
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Mondblau", 0x23, 0x1F, 0xD3));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Lila", 0xA3, 0x00, 0xBA));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Pink", 0xD3, 0x7C, 0xAA));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Hellbraun", 0xA0, 0x52, 0x2D));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Schwarz", 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelgrau", 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x4C));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelrot", 0x74, 0x0B, 0x07));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelorange", 0xC2, 0x38, 0x00));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelgelb", 0xE8, 0xA2, 0x00));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelgrün", 0x00, 0x55, 0x10));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Blau", 0x00, 0x56, 0x9E));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelblau", 0x0E, 0x08, 0x65));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkellila", 0x55, 0x00, 0x69));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelpink", 0xA7, 0x55, 0x74));
    colorList.add(new ColorName("Dunkelbraun", 0x63, 0x30, 0x0D));
        return colorList;

     * Get the closest color name from our list
     * @param r
     * @param g
     * @param b
     * @return
    public String getColorNameFromRgb(int r, int g, int b) {
        ArrayList<ColorName> colorList = initColorList();
        ColorName closestMatch = null;
        int minMSE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int mse;
        for (ColorName c : colorList) {
            mse = c.computeMSE(r, g, b);
            if (mse < minMSE) {
                minMSE = mse;
                closestMatch = c;

        if (closestMatch != null) {
            return closestMatch.getName();
        } else {
            return "No matched color name.";

     * Convert hexColor to rgb, then call getColorNameFromRgb(r, g, b)
     * @param hexColor
     * @return
    public String getColorNameFromHex(int hexColor) {
        int r = (hexColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
        int g = (hexColor & 0xFF00) >> 8;
        int b = (hexColor & 0xFF);
        return getColorNameFromRgb(r, g, b);

    public int colorToHex(Color c) {
        return Integer.decode("0x"
                + Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB()).substring(2));

    public String getColorNameFromColor(Color color) {
        return getColorNameFromRgb(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(),

     * SubClass of ColorUtils. In order to lookup color name
     * @author Xiaoxiao Li
    public class ColorName {
        public int r, g, b;
        public String name;

        public ColorName(String name, int r, int g, int b) {
            this.r = r;
            this.g = g;
            this.b = b;
   = name;

        public int computeMSE(int pixR, int pixG, int pixB) {
            return (int) (((pixR - r) * (pixR - r) + (pixG - g) * (pixG - g) + (pixB - b)
                    * (pixB - b)) / 3);

        public int getR() {
            return r;

        public int getG() {
            return g;

        public int getB() {
            return b;

        public String getName() {
            return name;


public class ScanWrite {

int alpha = 0;
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
int x, y;
int width;
int height;
int delay = 0;
String nearestColor = "";
static boolean cancel = false;
String rgbcolor = "";

String[] Farben = {"Weiß","Hellgrau","Rot","Orange","Gelb","Grün","Hellblau","Mondblau","Lila","Pink","Hellbraun","Schwarz","Dunkelgrau","Dunkelrot","Dunkelorange","Dunkelgelb","Dunkelgrün","Blau","Dunkelblau","Dunkellila","Dunkelpink","Dunkelbraun"};
int[] FarbenX = {0,577,602,627,655,678,706,736,760,786,814,550,575,601,628,655,681,708,736,761,785,814};
int[] FarbenY = {0,927,927,927,927,927,927,927,927,927,927,953,953,953,953,953,953,953,953,953,953,953};
int[] redc = {255,193,239,255,255,0,0,35,163,211,160,0,76,116,194,232,0,0,14,85,167,99};
int[] greenc = {255,193,19,113,228,204,178,31,0,124,82,0,76,11,56,162,85,86,8,0,85,48};
int[] bluec = {255,193,11,0,0,0,255,211,186,170,45,0,76,7,0,0,16,158,101,105,116,13};

void scanandwrite(int delay, File file) throws AWTException, InterruptedException {

    ColorUtils color = new ColorUtils();
    BufferedImage photo = GetImage.bufferImage(file);       
    FastRGB getPixel = new FastRGB(photo);
    int[][] pixels = new int[photo.getWidth()][photo.getHeight()];

    //int pixel = (getPixel.getRGB(photo.getMinX(), photo.getMinY())>>24 & 0xff);

     width = photo.getWidth();
     height = photo.getHeight();

    MouseMover.goStart(); //mouse cursor to a stated position

    int i = 0;     //it is the x position of the image
    int j = 0;     //it is the y position of the image

    for(int k = 0; k < Farben.length; k++) {      //loops to 22 colors
        if(cancel == false) {            //checks if I pressed the cancel button

        MouseMover.selectColor(FarbenX[k], FarbenY[k]);       //moves the cursor to the position where the stated color is
        i = 0; j = 0;

        while(i < width) {           //counts x up

            if(i == width-1 && j < height-3) {         //if x is at the end
                j+=2;                                  //go 2 lines down (y)
                i = 0;                                 //x set to 0

            if(this.delay > delay) {                   //delay I build in
            pixels[i][j] = getPixel.getRGB(i, j);      //gets the pixel from the position

            //System.out.println(i + ", " + j);

            alpha = (pixels[i][j]>>24) & 0xff;        
            red = (pixels[i][j]>>16) & 0xff;
            green = (pixels[i][j]>>8) & 0xff;
            blue = pixels[i][j] & 0xff;

            rgbcolor = color.getColorNameFromRgb(red, green, blue);      //gets the nearest color of the rgb
            if(!rgbcolor.matches("Weiß")) {                              
            if(rgbcolor.matches(Farben[k])) {                            //if rgbcolor has the same name as Farben[k] Iam looping through
            if(red != 255 && green != 255 && blue != 255 && red != 0 && green != 0 && blue != 0) {
                if(cancel == false) {                        //checks again if I cancelled
                //MouseMover.drawPixel(i, j);                //goes to the screen and draws
            this.delay = 0;             //delay set to 0 after loop

            this.delay++;              //here the delay counts up
            i++;                       //y counts up

更新:我认为我昨天在声明问题时犯了一个错误。我将在此处粘贴图像,并提供每次扫描得到的输出。 enter image description here


20x Hellgrau (light gray)
23x Schwarz (black)
7x Dunkelgrau (dark gray)
29x Dunkelpink (dark pink)

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