
时间:2019-02-13 13:45:50

标签: c# .net rapi

要将文件从Windows 10计算机复制到Windows CE 5.0设备,我使用以下代码(这是OpenNETCF Rapi的一部分,用于记述原始创建者):

public void CopyFileToDevice(string LocalFileName, string RemoteFileName, bool Overwrite)
        // check for connection

        FileStream localFile;
        IntPtr remoteFile = IntPtr.Zero;

        int bytesread = 0;
        int byteswritten = 0;
        int filepos = 0;
        int create = Overwrite ? CREATE_ALWAYS : CREATE_NEW;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)m_FileCopyBufferSize];  // default size 4k transfer buffer

        // create the remote file
        remoteFile = CeCreateFile(RemoteFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, create, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);

        // check for success
        if (remoteFile.ToInt64() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            throw new RAPIException("Could not create remote file");

        // open the local file
        localFile = new FileStream(LocalFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

        // read 4k of data
        bytesread = localFile.Read(buffer, filepos, buffer.Length);
        while (bytesread > 0)
            // move remote file pointer # of bytes read
            filepos += bytesread;

            // write our buffer to the remote file
            if (!Convert.ToBoolean(CeWriteFile(remoteFile, buffer, bytesread, ref byteswritten, 0)))
            { // check for success

                throw new RAPIException("Could not write to remote file");
                // refill the local buffer
                bytesread = localFile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            catch (Exception)
                bytesread = 0;

        // close the local file

        // close the remote file

有时此解决方案有效,但在不更改代码,文件或设备的情况下,它突然抛出了RAPIException: "Could not write to remote file". 一段时间后CeWriteFile函数失败会导致这种情况发生。


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