
时间:2019-02-18 18:41:22

标签: java swing jdbc service dao

我正在使用MVC设计模式开发Java swing桌面应用程序,并实现ServiceDAO层。 DAO层与数据库交互,而Service层与Controller通信。这是DAO的实现:

public class ProductDAO implements DAO {  
    public void insert(Product p) throws SQLException {
        //Logic for insertion goes here.. i.e. Getting/pooling connection object and executing PreparedStatement etc.
    public List<Product> listAll() throws SQLException {
       //Logic for retreive


public class ProductService implements Service {
    private DAO dao;
    private Controller con;

    public ProductService(Controller con) {
        dao = new ProductDAO();
        this.con = con;

    public void insertProduct(Product p) throws SQLException {

但是DAO可能会花费很长时间(虽然获取所有产品并列出列表),但它应该在后台线程上执行。使用Swing,运行长时间任务的最佳方法是使用SwingWorker线程。 (我使用过SwingWorker及其方法)。 但是我在这里感到震惊的是,哪一层应该实现SwingWorker


  • 在另一层上实现SwingWorker(例如Executer)::此Executer层将位于Service层和DAO层之间。它将继承SwingWorker并提供对doInBackground()和其他方法的实现。 ServiceDAO对象将从Service层注入。 Service层将创建一个新实例并调用execute()层的Executer方法,并定义操作模式,例如insertupdate或{{1} }。该delete层将调用Executer的适当方法,例如,如果操作模式为DAO,则它将调用insert的{​​{1}}方法。这是这种想法的实现:


insertProduct(Product p)



所以我的问题是我应该如何使用public class ProductExecuter extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> { private Service.Mode mode; private Service service; private DAO dao; private Product product; public ProductExecuter(Service s, DAO d, Product p, Service.Mode mode) { this.service = s; this.dao = d; this.mode = mode; this.product = p; } @Override public Void doInBackground() { if(mode.equals(Service.INSERT)) { dao.insertProduct(product); service.onSuccess(); } else if(mode.equals(Service.GET_ALL)) { List<Product> list = dao.listAll(); service.setListData(list); } . . . } } public class ProductService implements Service { private SwingWorker<Void, Void> executer; private Dao dao; public ProductService(Controller con) { this.con = con; this.dao = new ProductDAO(); } public void insertProduct(Product p) { executer = new ProductExecuter(this, dao, p, Mode.INSERT); executer.execute(); } public void listAll() { executer = new ProductExecuter(this, dao, null, Mode.GET_ALL); executer.execute(); } public void onSuccess() { con.onSuccess(); //**This method will interact with VIEW and might change GUI state. So this should be on EDT** } public void setListData(List<Product> list) { con.setListData(list); //**This method will interact with VIEW and might change GUI state. So this should be on EDT** } . . . . public enum Mode { INSERT, GET_ALL, REMOVE, UPDATE, GET_BY_ID; } } 来实现SwingWorker。

  • 我应该继续进行上述思考吗?或SwingWorker应该在服务层或我不知道的其他地方
  • 上实现

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