
时间:2019-02-18 19:56:09

标签: c++ templates unique-ptr

为了练习,我实现了一个二进制搜索树类BSTree。我使用int数据进行了此操作,使其工作正常,现在我正在修改代码,以便该类通过template <typename T>使用泛型类型。我的所有修改似乎都奏效了,但其中一个得到了错误提示。


template <typename T>
class BSTree
    // constructors
    BSTree(): root(nullptr) {}

    // member functions
    // ...


    struct TreeNode
        // member vars
        T data;
        std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> left;
        std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> right;

        // constructor
        TreeNode(T data): data(data), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}

    std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> root;
    std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& FindMin(std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node); // Helper method for Remove(int val)

/// Search the subtree starting at node and return a pointer to the minimum-value node
/// The returned pointer will be a reference of an actual pointer in the tree, not a copy
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<BSTree<T>::TreeNode>& BSTree<T>::FindMin(std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node) {
    if(node == nullptr){
        throw "Min value not found";
    } else if(node->left == nullptr){
        return node;
    } else{
        return this->FindMin(node->left);


std::unique_ptr<BSTree<T>::TreeNode>& BSTree<T>::FindMin(std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node)



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>  // unique_ptr

template <typename T>
class BSTree
    // constructors
    BSTree(): root(nullptr) {}

    // member functions
    void Print();
    void Insert(T val);
    bool Contains(T val);
    void Remove(T val);


    struct TreeNode
        // member vars
        T data;
        std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> left;
        std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> right;

        // constructor
        TreeNode(T data): data(data), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}

    std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> root;
    std::string SubTreeAsString(std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node);  // Helper method for Print()
    void Insert(T val, std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node);  // Helper method for Insert(int val)
    bool Contains(T val, std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node);  // Helper method for Contains(int val)
    void Remove(T val, std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node);  // Helper method for Remove(int val)
    std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& FindMin(std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node); // Helper method for Remove(int val)

/// Print the tree
template <typename T>
void BSTree<T>::Print(){
    if(this->root == nullptr){
        std::cout << "{}" << std::endl;
    } else{
        std::cout << this->SubTreeAsString(this->root) << std::endl;

/// Print the subtree starting at node
template <typename T>
std::string BSTree<T>::SubTreeAsString(std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node){
    std::string leftStr = (node->left == nullptr) ? "{}" : SubTreeAsString(node->left);
    std::string rightStr = (node->right == nullptr) ? "{}" : SubTreeAsString(node->right);
    std::string result = "{" + std::to_string(node->data) + ", " + leftStr + ", " + rightStr + "}";
    return result;

/// Insert a new value into the tree
template <typename T>
void BSTree<T>::Insert(T val) {
    this->Insert(val, this->root);

/// Insert a new value into the subtree starting at node
template <typename T>
void BSTree<T>::Insert(T val, std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node) {

    if(node == nullptr){
        // Case: node is a nullptr
        // Make a new TreeNode for it to point to
        node = std::make_unique<TreeNode>(val);
    } else{
        if(val < node->data){
            // Case: val is < node's data
            this->Insert(val, node->left);
        } else if(val > node->data){
            // Case: val is > node's data
            this->Insert(val, node->right);
        } else{
            // Case: val is equal to node's data
            std::cout << "Warning: Value already exists, so nothing will be done." << std::endl;

/// Check if the given value exists in the BSTree
template <typename T>
bool BSTree<T>::Contains(T val) {
    return Contains(val, this->root);

/// Check if the given value exists in the subtree
/// starting at node
template <typename T>
bool BSTree<T>::Contains(T val, std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node) {
    if(node == nullptr){
        return false;
    } else if(val == node->data){
        return true;
    } else if(val < node->data){
        return this->Contains(val, node->left);
    } else{
        return this-Contains(val, node->right);

/// Remove given value from the tree
template <typename T>
void BSTree<T>::Remove(T val) {
    this->Remove(val, this->root);

/// Remove given value from the subtree starting at node
template <typename T>
void BSTree<T>::Remove(T val, std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node) {
    if(node == nullptr){
        // Case: nullptr

        std::cout << "val not found in tree" << std::endl;

    } else if(val == node->data){
        // Found value

        if(node->left == nullptr && node->right == nullptr){
            // Case: node is a leaf

            node = nullptr;

        } else if(node->left != nullptr && node->right == nullptr){
            // Case: node has a left subtree (but not right)
            // Point node's parent at node's left subtree

            node = std::move(node->left);

        } else if(node->left == nullptr && node->right != nullptr){
            // Case: node has a right subtree (but not left)

            node = std::move(node->right);

        } else{
            // Case: node has left and right subtrees

            std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& minNode = this->FindMin(node->right); // returns a reference to the actual pointer in the tree
            node->data = minNode->data;
            this->Remove(minNode->data, minNode);

    } else if(val < node->data){
        // Case: remove val from this node's left subtree
        this->Remove(val, node->left);
    } else{
        // Case: remove val from this node's right subtree
        this->Remove(val, node->right);

/// Search the subtree starting at node and return a pointer to the minimum-value node
/// The returned pointer will be a reference of an actual pointer in the tree, not a copy
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<BSTree<T>::TreeNode>& BSTree<T>::FindMin(std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>& node) {
    if(node == nullptr){
        throw "Min value not found";
    } else if(node->left == nullptr){
        return node;
    } else{
        return this->FindMin(node->left);

int main() {
    BSTree<int> myTree {};


    return 0;

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