
时间:2019-02-28 19:24:22

标签: excel vba

我需要在“ Regular Season”,“ Summer Season”,“ Christmas Season”或“ Stat Holidays”列中标识文本,然后将该文本填充到下一个单元格中,直到该单元格中有数值


Before problem solution


After the problem solution.


当Excel发现值是“常规季节”时,它将复制该单元格并继续粘贴,直到找到其他值之一,即“夏季”,“圣诞节”或“法定假日”。如果它找到另一个值,例如“ Summer Season”,则Excel不应覆盖该值,而应复制该单元格并开始用“ Summer Season”填充下一个单元格,直到它再次命中这四个文本值之一。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Dim iArea As Long

With Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
    With .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers)
        For iArea = .Areas.Count To 2 Step -1
            Range(.Areas(iArea - 1).End(xlDown), .Areas(iArea)).Value = .Areas(iArea - 1).End(xlDown).Value
    End With
    .Range("A1", .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers).Areas(1)).Value = .Range("A1").Value
End With

答案 1 :(得分:-1)


Option Explicit

Sub Test()

    Dim str As String
    Dim Lastrow As Long, i As Long, y As Long, StartPoint As Long, EndPoint As Long

    'With statement with the sheet1 that i will use
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        'Find last row of column a
        Lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        'Assign value to end point
        EndPoint = 0
        'Loop from row 1 to lastrow
        For i = 1 To Lastrow
            'Assing value to start point
            StartPoint = 0
            'Check if the cell in not empty,not numeric and i is greater that Endpoint
            If .Range("A" & i).Value <> "" And Not IsNumeric(.Range("A" & i).Value) And i > EndPoint Then
                str = .Range("A" & i).Value
                'Assing value to Start point
                StartPoint = i
                'Loop from i+1 to last row
                For y = i + 1 To Lastrow
                    'Assing value to End point
                    EndPoint = 0
                    'Check if value not empty and is numeric
                    If .Range("A" & y).Value <> "" And IsNumeric(.Range("A" & y).Value) Then
                        'Assing value to End point
                        EndPoint = y
                        'Exit the loop
                        Exit For
                    End If

                Next y
                'Import value to range create by the start & end point
                .Range(Cells(StartPoint, 1), Cells(EndPoint, 1)).Value = str

            End If

        Next i

    End With

End Sub