
时间:2019-03-07 10:44:54

标签: php simplexml


$ obj1

object SimpleXMLElement {
    ["@attributes"] =>
    array(0) {
    ["event"] =>
    array(1) {
        [0] =>
        object(SimpleXMLElement) {
            ["@attributes"] =>
            array(1) {
                ["url"] =>
                string "example.com"

$ obj2

object SimpleXMLElement {
    ["@attributes"] =>
    array(0) {
    ["event"] =>
    array(1) {
        [0] =>
        object(SimpleXMLElement) {
            ["@attributes"] =>
            array(1) {
                ["url"] =>
                string "another-example.com"


foreach ($obj2->event as $event) {
    $obj1->event[] = $event


$ obj1

object SimpleXMLElement {
    ["@attributes"] =>
    array(0) {
    ["event"] =>
    array(2) {
        [0] =>
        object(SimpleXMLElement) {
            ["@attributes"] =>
            array(1) {
                ["url"] =>
                string "example.com"
        [1] =>
        object(SimpleXMLElement) {

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


在一种情况下,您需要更复杂的DOM API的强大功能。幸运的是,您可以使用dom_import_simplexmlsimplexml_import_dom切换到另一个包装器,而在PHP中将两者混合在一起几乎没有任何代价。

一旦有了DOM表示形式,就可以使用the appendChild method of DOMNode添加一个完整的节点,但是有一个陷阱-您只能添加同一文档“拥有”的节点。因此,您必须首先在要编辑的文档上调用the importNode method


// Set up the objects you're copying from and to
// These don't need to be complete documents, they could be any element
$obj1 = simplexml_load_string('<foo><event url="example.com" /></foo>');
$obj2 = simplexml_load_string('<foo><event url="another.example.com" /></foo>');

// Get a DOM representation of the root element we want to add things to
// Note that $obj1_dom will always be a DOMElement not a DOMDocument, 
//   because SimpleXML has no "document" object
$obj1_dom = dom_import_simplexml($obj1);

// Loop over the SimpleXML version of the source elements
foreach ($obj2->event as $event) {
    // Get the DOM representation of the element we want to copy
    $event_dom = dom_import_simplexml($event);
    // Copy the element into the "owner document" of our target node
    $event_dom_copy = $obj1_dom->ownerDocument->importNode($event_dom, true);
    // Add the node as a new child

// Check that we have the right output, not trusting var_dump or print_r
// Note that we don't need to convert back to SimpleXML 
// - $obj1 and $obj1_dom refer to the same data internally
echo $obj1->asXML();