
时间:2019-03-11 13:27:19

标签: excel vba



无论如何,我是否可以将其转换为这样的格式,比如说“ 0年3个月3天”?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Private Const DAYS_IN_YEAR As Integer = 365
Private Const DAYS_IN_MONTH As Integer = 30

Public Sub OutputElapsed(days As Integer)
    Dim years As Integer, months As Integer, daysRemaining As Integer

    years = Int(days / DAYS_IN_YEAR)
    daysRemaining = days - (years * DAYS_IN_YEAR)

    months = Int(daysRemaining / DAYS_IN_MONTH)
    daysRemaining = daysRemaining - (months * DAYS_IN_MONTH)

    Debug.Print _
            years & " years, " & _
            months & " months, " & _
            daysRemaining & " days"
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Function BEDATANGGAL(tanggal_mulai As Date, tanggal_akhir As Date)

Dim hari As Integer
Dim bulan As Integer
Dim tahun As Integer
Dim durasi As Integer
Dim tambah As Date

hari = 0
bulan = 0
tahun = 0
tambah = tanggal_mulai

durasi = DateDiff("d", tanggal_mulai, tanggal_akhir) - 1

For i = 0 To durasi

hari = hari + 1
tambah = tambah + 1

If Day(tanggal_mulai) = Day(tambah) Then

    hari = 0
    bulan = bulan + 1

    End If

If bulan = 12 Then

    hari = 0
    bulan = 0
    tahun = tahun + 1

    End If

Next i

BEDATANGGAL = tahun & " tahun, " & bulan & " bulan, " & hari & " hari"

End Function

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Function date_duration(start_date, end_date)
'Worksheet Variables

Dim dateCell, outputCell As Range

'Date variables
Dim fileDate, curDate, tempDate As Date
Dim fileYear, curYear, tempYear, years, _
fileMonth, curMonth, tempMonth, months, _
fileDay, curDay, tempDay, days, _
curDPM, fileDPM _
As Integer

'Get date of file and calculate year, month, and day
fileDate = start_date
fileYear = CInt(Split(fileDate, "/")(2))
fileMonth = CInt(Split(fileDate, "/")(0))
fileDay = CInt(Split(fileDate, "/")(1))

'Get the current date, year, month, and day
curDate = end_date
curYear = CInt(Split(curDate, "/")(2))
curMonth = CInt(Split(curDate, "/")(0))
curDay = CInt(Split(curDate, "/")(1))

'Calculate years passed
If curYear > fileYear Then
    years = curYear - fileYear
End If
If years = "" Then
    years = 0
End If

'Calculate months passed
If curMonth > fileMonth Then
    months = curMonth - fileMonth
ElseIf curMonth = fileMonth Then
    months = 0
ElseIf curMonth < fileMonth Then
    months = (12 - fileMonth) + curMonth
End If

'Calculates days per month (DPM) for current year
Select Case curMonth
    Case 4 Or 6 Or 9 Or 11
        '31-Day months
        'April, June, September, November.
        curDPM = 30
    Case 2
        'February will either have 29 or 28 days
        'If the current year is divisible by 4 it
        'is a leap year and there are 29
        curDPM = IIf(curYear Mod 4 = 0, 29, 28)
    Case Else
        '31-Day months
        curDPM = 31
End Select

'Calculates days per month (DPM) for file year
Select Case fileMonth
    Case 4 Or 6 Or 9 Or 11
        fileDPM = 30
    Case 2
        fileDPM = IIf(fileYear Mod 4 = 0, 29, 28)
    Case Else
        fileDPM = 31
End Select

'Calculates days passed
If curDay > fileDay Then
    days = curDay - fileDay
ElseIf (curDay = fileDay) Then
    days = 0
ElseIf (curDay < fileDay) Then
    days = (fileDPM - fileDay) + curDay
End If

'years, months, and days are calculate independently
'so this loop corrects them to work together
'Ex: 12/31/2000 to 1/1/2001 would be 1 year, 1 month, 1 day without this loop
    tempDate = DateAdd("yyyy", years, fileDate)
    tempDate = DateAdd("m", months, tempDate)
    tempDate = DateAdd("d", days, tempDate)

    tempYear = CInt(Split(tempDate, "/")(2))
    tempMonth = CInt(Split(tempDate, "/")(0))
    tempDay = CInt(Split(tempDate, "/")(1))

    If tempYear > curYear Then
        years = years - 1
    ElseIf tempYear < curYear Then
        years = years + 1
    End If

    If tempMonth > curMonth Then
        months = months - 1
    ElseIf tempMonth < tempMonth Then
        months = months + 1
    End If

    If tempDay > curDay Then
        days = days - 1
    ElseIf tempDay < curDay Then
        days = days + 1
    End If
Loop While tempDate <> curDate

'Set cell to display time passed
date_duration = years & " Years, " & months & " Months, " & days & " Days"
End Function

答案 3 :(得分:-1)


date_created = Worksheets("FileCleaner").Range("D" & startrow).Value
File_Age_Day = DatePart("yyyy", date_created) & " years, " & DatePart("M", 
date_created) & " Months, " & DatePart("d", date_created) & " days"
Worksheets("FileCleaner").Range("E" & startrow).Value = File_Age_Day