Masking a URL / Remembering iFrame URL

时间:2019-03-17 22:47:18

标签: javascript

I have a webserver with LiteSpeed on it which is (managed, non-root) and a domain that I want to use instead of a different website URL, unfortunately I cannot change the URL on the destination website nor can I make that server allow use of multiple domains.

I assume there isn't a way I can use php/html/litespeed to mask the the destination website.

The only thing I can think of is using an iframe, so I setup a full screen solution using:

<body class="body_blank">
    <div id="wrapper" class="wrapper_blank">
        <iframe src="" style="position:fixed; top:0px; bottom:0px; right:0px; width: 100%; border: none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow: hidden; z-index:999999; height: 100%;">

The problem I am having now is the fact the URL doesn't change and when I refresh it goes back to the homepage of

How can I use javascript/jquery to get the page/location on the destination website and store it in local_storage or cookies or just simply as a query string?

Then from that when I refresh the page for it to detect them and load the correct iframe page?

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