Azure Service Bus Subscription Client polling interval

时间:2019-03-19 15:03:52

标签: azure azureservicebus azure-servicebus-topics azure-servicebus-subscriptions

I have managed to write a small console application to connect to a topic/subscription in the Azure Service Bus. I have sent messages to the subscription and registered a message handler. I see the message handler polls every 60 seconds. Is there anyway to extend this polling interval to 30 or 60 minutes for example?

Regards, Simon

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我相信Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus(。NET标准)和Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging(。NET Framework)都可以通过WebSockets使用AMQP或AMQP,而不必轮询消息。

