
时间:2019-03-23 15:14:04

标签: javascript google-sheets google-sheets-formula




信息样本将显示为:464839 | 362 | 2840 | 927 | 72 | 617



var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
var cell = range.getCell(1, 1); // Gets the cell A1 
var cellValue = cell.getValue(); // Gets the value of the cell A1

var cellArray = cellValue.split("|"); // Splits the cell value by ',' and  stores it in array.

//Iterate through the array
for(var i = 0; i < cellArray.length; i++){


1 个答案:

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下面将是您放置在installable trigger上的代码,该代码每隔固定间隔运行一次,并遍历A列中的每一行的值,并尝试使用管道符号拆分该值,然后使用replace进行写入沿该行的列拆分的值。如果过去已经这样做,则该函数尝试拆分值时将出错,因为不存在管道符号,但是try / catch会捕获该错误并允许该函数继续循环。

    function myFunction() {
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("NameOFSheet"); //Change "NameOFSheet to the actual name of the sheet.
      var col1Values = sheet.getSheetValues(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), 1) //Gets 2d (2 dimensional) array of the Values in Column 1 (getSheetValues(startRow, startColumn, numRows, numColumns)_
      var splitVals = []; //Instantiate an empty 1d array variable
      //Iterate through the 2d array and set the values
      for(var i = 0; i < col1Values.length; i++){
          splitVals = col1Values[i][0].split("|"); //Creates a 1d array of values split at every occurrence of the pipe symbol ("|").
          //If there is no pipe symbol (which would be the case if this operation has already happened then the array will be blank because .split will throw an error which will get "caught" in the try catch and the row will be skipped

          //Iterate over the splitVals array and set the values of the columns along the row (i+1) that you are in.
          for(var col = 0; col < splitVals.length; col++){
            sheet.getRange(i+1, col+1).setValue(splitVals[col])


我评论了代码以进行解释。我建议阅读2 dimensional arrays,以帮助您更好地理解它们以及上面的代码。
