
时间:2019-03-24 04:31:49

标签: c++ getline c-strings


因此,从本质上讲,它不需要上面的整个部分和if语句即可工作。但是一旦添加了这些,我的cin.getline函数就无法使用。但是,如果我执行cin >>行,即使上面的代码也可以使用。我需要getline函数,因为我会将其写入文件中,并且还需要获取那些性感的空格''。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

//Function Prototypes:
string fileAddress(string);
void swap(char &, char &);
string code(int, char [], char [], char []);

//Main Function:
int main()
        //Alphabet Section:
        //Declaring Variables Relating to Alphabet:
        int size = 29;
        char alphabet[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ., ";
        char sAlphabet[size];
        int x;
        int y;

        //Copying Alphabet & Outputting Test Value:
        strcpy(sAlphabet, alphabet);

        //Scrambling Alphabet
        unsigned seed = time(0);

        for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
            //Initializing Random Numbers to Swap:
            x = rand()%29;
            y = rand()%29;

            //Swapping Values
            swap(sAlphabet[x], sAlphabet[y]);

        //Testing Scrambled Alphabet:
        cout << sAlphabet << endl << endl;

        //Determining Whether to CODE or DECODE Section:
        //Response Variables:
        string response;

        //Gathering Choice From User:
        cout << "If you wish to code a message, please type CODE." << endl;
        cout << "If you wish to decode a message, please type DECODE.";
        cin >> response;

        //Writing Coded Message to File Section:
        if(response == "CODE")
            //Code Variables:
            int length = 100;
            char line[length];
            char cline[length];
            string codedLine;

            //Gathering Line from User:
            cout << "Please enter a message in all CAPS that you wish to code.";
            cin.getline(line, length);

            //Copying Line:
            strcpy(cline, line);

            //Gathering length of Line:
            length = strlen(line);

            codedLine = code(length, line, cline, sAlphabet);
            cout << line << endl;
            cout << codedLine<< endl;
            cout << "You suck";

        return 0;

//Creating Swap Function:
void swap(char &value1, char &value2)
    char temp;
    temp = value1;
    value1 = value2;
    value2 = temp;

string code(int length, char line[], char cline[], char sAlphabet[])
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        //Letter A:
        if(line[i] == 'A')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[0];
            //Letter B:
        else if(line[i] == 'B')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[1];
            //Letter C:
        else if(line[i] == 'C')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[2];
            //Letter D:
        else if(line[i] == 'D')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[3];
            //Letter E:
        else if(line[i] == 'E')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[4];
            //Letter F:
        else if(line[i] == 'F')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[5];
            //Letter G:
        else if(line[i] == 'G')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[6];
            //Letter H:
        else if(line[i] == 'H')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[7];
            //Letter I:
        else if(line[i] == 'I')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[8];
            //Letter J:
        else if(line[i] == 'J')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[9];
            //Letter K:
        else if(line[i] == 'K')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[10];
            //Letter L:
        else if(line[i] == 'L')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[11];
            //Letter M:
        else if(line[i] == 'M')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[12];
            //Letter N:
        else if(line[i] == 'N')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[13];
            //Letter O:
        else if(line[i] == 'O')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[14];
            //Letter P:
        else if(line[i] == 'P')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[15];
            //Letter Q:
        else if(line[i] == 'Q')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[16];
            //Letter R:
        else if(line[i] == 'R')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[17];
            //Letter S:
        else if(line[i] == 'S')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[18];
            //Letter T
        else if(line[i] == 'T')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[19];
            //Letter U:
        else if(line[i] == 'U')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[20];
            //Letter V:
        else if(line[i] == 'V')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[21];
            //Letter W:
        else if(line[i] == 'W')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[22];
            //Letter X:
        else if(line[i] == 'X')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[23];
            //Letter Y:
        else if(line[i] == 'Y')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[24];
            //Letter Z:
        else if(line[i] == 'Z')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[25];
            //Character Period:
        else if(line[i] == '.')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[26];
            //Character Comma:
        else if(line[i] == ',')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[27];
            //Character Space:
        else if(line[i] == ' ')
            cline[i] = sAlphabet[28];
            cout << "Error" << endl;
    return cline;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我使用R Sahu发布的线程中发现的\ n字符的ignore函数修复了它。

我基本上只是添加了: cin.ignore(std :: numeric_limits :: max(),'\ n') 在我的cin.getline之前。
