
时间:2019-04-08 11:00:26

标签: ocaml


为了更清楚一点,有时我有一些练习要求找到一个特定的节点 n ,所以我可以执行以下操作:(为简单起见,我在此处对二叉树进行此操作):

let rec find_node n tree = match tree with 
|Nil   ->  (* I don't want my program to stop here but then what can I return ?*) 
|Node(l, k, r) as t when k =n -> t
|Node(l, _, r) -> find_node n l; find_node n r


type b_tree = Nil | Node of b_tree * int * b_tree 


let rec find_node n tree = match tree with 
|Nil   ->  ()  (*returning unit type here*)
|Node(l, k, r) as t when k =n -> t
|Node(l, _, r) -> find_node n l; find_node n r



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)




let rec find_node n tree =
  match tree with 
  | Nil -> None
  | Node ((_, k, _) as t) when k = n -> Some t
  | Node (l, _, r) ->
    match find_node n l with
    | None -> find_node n r
    | some -> some

其返回类型为(b_tree * int * b_tree) option,描述节点属性,或者为None,表示未找到节点。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

There are two ways to look at this:

1) When you hit Nil in find_node that means that no node was found. You have to return some form of nothing.

1a) You return None, which also means you have to return Some x in the other cases. This is the API flavor with options.

1b) You raise Not_found. This the the API flavor with exceptions.

Some modules follow 1a, other 1b. Some have submodules for the flavors or 2 functions e.g. find_node (exception) and find_node_opt (option). What flavor should you have? That's 50% personal preference and 50% use case. Both are equally valid and both have advantages on the other depending on the use case.

2) Your data type is to blame

I've seen trees defined as

type b_tree = Leaf of int | Node of b_tree * int * b_tree 

That way you don't have a Nil case. On the other hand there is no representation of an empty tree then.