尽管为带有.NET HTTPClient的VMware REST API提供了正确的accept / contenttype标头,但仍出现错误406?

时间:2019-04-15 08:32:35

标签: c# rest dotnet-httpclient vmware-workstation http-status-code-406

我正在为VMware工作站15 REST API的控制应用程序(c#WPF)实习,以:

  1. “ GET”获取服务器上当前可用的VM的列表。 (完成)
  2. “ GET”通过ID获取任何VM的电源状态。 (完成)
  3. “ PUT”使任何VM启动。 (WIP)
  4. “ PUT”使任何VM关闭。 (WIP)

我当前正在使用.NET HTTPClient向VMServer发送指令,到目前为止,我已经能够从任何可能的GET命令中获取所有信息,但是我无法弄清楚如何避免从中获取错误406。尝试使用PUT命令打开或关闭服务器上的任何VM。我尝试将以下内容用作接受标头和媒体/内容类型的不同组合:

  • 特定于VMWare的“ application / vnd.vmware.vmw.rest-v1 + json”。
  • 接受所有“ * / *”。
  • 完全没有(默认)。

执行订单的代码由Button Click事件触发:

        //Needs a VMID, valid IP and valid Port, Password and User will be handled aswell, but aren't requiered to start the request
        if (tb_VMID.Text.Length > 0 && isIPVailid && isPortValid)

            string Link = "https://" + tb_IP.Text + ":" + tb_Port.Text + "/api/vms/" + tb_VMID.Text + "/power";
            //here starts the preperation of the httpclient info
            using (HttpClientHandler _handler = new HttpClientHandler())//Handler for credentials
                _handler.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(tb_Username.Text, tb_Pass.SecurePassword);

                using (HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient(_handler))//Client with Credentials
                    //Header handling (Note that the passowrd is encrypded in base 64 and needs to be that way)
                    _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + CreateBaseCode());
                    _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/vnd.vmware.vmw.rest-v1+json"));

                    //Request preperation
                    using (HttpContent _content = new StringContent("on", Encoding.UTF8, "application/vnd.vmware.vmw.rest-v1+json"))
                        //now here starts the PUT request, it's async but I already have 2 working async methods to GET info, would be wierd if that would be the problem, especialy since i tried the same without async.
                        var data = _httpClient.PutAsync(Link, _content);

                        tb_Response.Text = data.Result.ToString();


    StatusCode: 406, ReasonPhrase: 'Not Acceptable', Version: 1.1, Content: 
    System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:
       Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
       Connection: close
       Cache-Control: no-cache
       Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2019 12:42:04 GMT
       Content-Length: 58        
       Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vmw.rest-v1+json

我的问题是,我可以解决此错误,还是REST或.NET Framework有问题?

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