Material stepper to use whole width

时间:2019-04-17 00:43:52

标签: javascript reactjs grid material-ui

i'm trying to do something like

....some inputs what I'm trying to do is to make the first and last dot of the stepper to match the content of the Grid 12, but they looks like they are using their own grid system, thus, I can not adjust them to match the content, for example:

--| -----content----- |--
--| -----content----- |--
--| -----content----- |--

but I need them to look like:

--| -----content--------|--
--| -----content--------|--
--| -----content--------|--

is there a way to achieve this? despite my example has 5 dots, in my workflow it could have more or less... basically it is dynamic. some of the cases that I was trying, works for some but fails for other tipes.

Here is a working example with my exact use case, I know I should add my work, but I tested a lot of css and configurations, but none of them are working, the closes I have been is aligning the items, but that will create horizontal scrolling.


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