
时间:2019-04-19 06:58:59

标签: javascript





为此,我尝试使用以下代码,但是此后,当我尝试通过下拉 更改字体家族时,弹出窗口将关闭。...

        var container = $('.white_content');

        if (!container.is(e.target) && container.has(e.target).length === 0) 
            $('.font-select').css('display', 'none'); 

	    var container = $('.dark_content');

	    // if the target of the click isn't the container nor a descendant of the container
	    if (!container.is(e.target) && container.has(e.target).length === 0) 
// close text pop up onclick outside

	    var container = $('.white_content');

	    // if the target of the click isn't the container nor a descendant of the container
	    if (!container.is(e.target) && container.has(e.target).length === 0) 

	// end

	//font color
	var className;

	function changeColor(data) {
		var color = $(data).css('background-color');
		var changeColor = $(className).css('color', color);

	//font color end

	// Display pop up next to text
	function closePopUp(el) {
		el.style.display = 'none';
		$('.font-select').css('display', 'none');
		openID = null

	function openPopUp(el) {
		// console.log(el);
		if (openID != null) {

		var styleTop = el.style.top;
		var styleLeft = el.style.left;

		styleTop = parseInt(styleTop.substring(3 , -1)) + 130;
		styleLeft = parseInt(styleLeft.substring(3 , -1)) + 30;

			display: 'block',
			left: styleLeft + 'px',
			top: styleTop + 'px',
			zIndex: 1010

		//font color

		var colorID = el.id.substring(5);
		className = '#' + colorID;

		//font color end

		el.style.display = 'block';
		openID = el;

	function fontRange(e) {
		var element = e.parentElement.id;
		element = "#edit_" + element.split("_")[1];
		$(element).css('font-size', e.value + 'px');

	let openID = null;

	var target;
	const imageUrl = "https://i.imgur.com/RzEm1WK.png";

	let jsonData =  {
  "path" : " fb post\/",
  "info" : {
    "author" : "",
    "keywords" : "",
    "file" : "fb post",
    "date" : "sRGB",
    "title" : "",
    "description" : "Normal",
    "generator" : "Export Kit v1.2.8"
  "name" : "fb post",
  "layers" : [
      "x" : 0,
      "height" : 789,
      "layers" : [
          "x" : 0,
          "color" : "0xFF606D",
          "height" : 789,
          "y" : 0,
          "width" : 940,
          "shapeType" : "rectangle",
          "type" : "shape",
          "name" : "bg_rectangle_1"
          "x" : 0,
          "height" : 788,
          "layers" : [
              "x" : 0,
              "height" : 788,
              "src" : "2627e475d59546ec8522df6f89713867_frame0.png",
              "y" : 0,
              "width" : 506,
              "type" : "image",
              "name" : "bg_image"
          "y" : 0,
          "width" : 506,
          "type" : "group",
          "name" : "user_image_1"
          "x" : 465,
          "height" : 411,
          "src" : "5faf41823c9ccd92485912c6fa6befcc_frame1.png",
          "y" : 206,
          "width" : 443,
          "type" : "image",
          "name" : "shape_1"
          "x" : 228,
          "height" : 150,
          "src" : "724c7c5b06fae34d68633c349ccb752a_frame2.png",
          "y" : 609,
          "width" : 175,
          "type" : "image",
          "name" : "shape_2"
          "justification" : "center",
          "font" : "Coustard",
          "x" : 576,
          "y" : 294,
          "src" : "db4922cce0cd771c28fe5c818ae313e4_Font249.ttf",
          "width" : 221,
          "type" : "text",
          "color" : "0xFFFFFF",
          "size" : 67,
          "text" : "BE MY",
          "height" : 50,
          "name" : "edit_be"
          "justification" : "center",
          "font" : "Coustard",
          "x" : 570,
          "y" : 561,
          "src" : "db4922cce0cd771c28fe5c818ae313e4_Font249.ttf",
          "width" : 236,
          "type" : "text",
          "color" : "0xFFFFFF",
          "size" : 37,
          "text" : "READ MORE",
          "height" : 28,
          "name" : "edit_read"
          "justification" : "center",
          "font" : "Coustard-Black",
          "x" : 549,
          "y" : 353,
          "src" : "0a7fb3015bb19745da114bc581e96947_Font248.ttf",
          "width" : 276,
          "type" : "text",
          "color" : "0xFFFFFF",
          "size" : 67,
          "text" : "VALEN",
          "height" : 51,
          "name" : "edit_valen"
          "justification" : "center",
          "font" : "Coustard-Black",
          "x" : 533,
          "y" : 411,
          "src" : "0a7fb3015bb19745da114bc581e96947_Font248.ttf",
          "width" : 306,
          "type" : "text",
          "color" : "0xFFFFFF",
          "size" : 104,
          "text" : "TINE",
          "height" : 80,
          "name" : "edit_tine"
          "justification" : "center",
          "font" : "Coustard-Black",
          "x" : 274,
          "y" : 641,
          "src" : "0a7fb3015bb19745da114bc581e96947_Font248.ttf",
          "width" : 74,
          "type" : "text",
          "color" : "0xFFFFFF",
          "size" : 23,
          "text" : "SAVE",
          "height" : 17,
          "name" : "edit_save"
          "justification" : "center",
          "font" : "Coustard-Black",
          "x" : 274,
          "y" : 665,
          "src" : "0a7fb3015bb19745da114bc581e96947_Font248.ttf",
          "width" : 71,
          "type" : "text",
          "color" : "0xFFFFFF",
          "size" : 28,
          "text" : "THE",
          "height" : 21,
          "name" : "edit_the"
          "justification" : "center",
          "font" : "Coustard-Black",
          "x" : 274,
          "y" : 693,
          "src" : "0a7fb3015bb19745da114bc581e96947_Font248.ttf",
          "width" : 72,
          "type" : "text",
          "color" : "0xFFFFFF",
          "size" : 22,
          "text" : "DATE",
          "height" : 17,
          "name" : "edit_date"
      "y" : 0,
      "width" : 940,
      "type" : "group",
      "name" : "fb_post_4"

	const containerElement = $('#container');
	const fileUp = $('#fileup');

	$(function() {

		// below code will upload image onclick mask image

		containerElement.click(function(e) {
			// filtering out non-canvas clicks
			if (e.target.tagName !== 'CANVAS') return;

			// getting absolute points relative to container
			const absX = e.offsetX + e.target.parentNode.offsetLeft + e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
			const absY = e.offsetY + e.target.parentNode.offsetTop + e.currentTarget.offsetTop;

			const $canvasList = $(this).find('canvas');
			// moving all canvas parents on the same z-index
				zIndex: 0

			$canvasList.filter(function() { // filtering only applicable canvases
				const bbox = this.getBoundingClientRect();
				const canvasTop = bbox.top + window.scrollY;
				const canvasLeft = bbox.left + window.scrollX;
				return (
						absX >= canvasLeft && absX <= canvasLeft + bbox.width &&
						absY >= canvasTop && absY <= canvasTop + bbox.height)
			}).each(function() { // checking white in a click position
				const x = absX - this.parentNode.offsetLeft - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
				const y = absY - this.parentNode.offsetTop - e.currentTarget.offsetTop;
				const pixel = this.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
				if (pixel[3] === 255) {
						zIndex: 2
					target = this.id;
					setTimeout(fileUp.click.bind(fileUp), 20);

		// Below code will fetch mask images from json file

		function getAllSrc(layers) {
			let arr = [];
			layers.forEach(layer => {
				if (layer.src) {
						src: layer.src,
						x: layer.x,
						y: layer.y,
						height: layer.height,
						width: layer.width,
						name: layer.name
				} else if (layer.layers) {
					let newArr = getAllSrc(layer.layers);
					if (newArr.length > 0) {
										}) => {
								x: (layer.x + x),
								y: (layer.y + y),
								name: (name)
			return arr;

		function json(data)

			var width = 0;
			var height = 0;

			let arr = getAllSrc(data.layers);

			let layer1 = data.layers;
			width = layer1[0].width;
			height = layer1[0].height;
			let counter = 0;
			let table = [];

			containerElement.css('width', width + "px").css('height', height + "px").addClass('temp');

			for (let {
			} of arr) {

				//Get Height and width of mask image [ edit button ]
				var ImagePosition = arr;
				//code end

				// Display icon only for mask images

				if (name.indexOf('mask_') !== -1) {
					var imageUrl1 = imageUrl;
				} else {
					var imageUrl1 = '';
		        // click work only on mask image
           $('.masked-img').css('pointer-events', 'none');
		        // click end
				//code end

				var mask = $(".container").mask({
					imageUrl: imageUrl1,
					maskImageUrl: 'http://piccellsapp.com:1337/parse/files/PfAppId/' + src,
					onMaskImageCreate: function(img) {
						// Mask image positions
							"position": "absolute",
							"left": x + "px",
							"top": y + "px"
						// end

					id: counter
				fileup.onchange = function() {

					let mask2 = table[target];
					const newImageLoadedId = mask2.loadImage(URL.createObjectURL(fileup.files[0]));
					document.getElementById('fileup').value = "";

					//  Edit image

					if ($(".masked-img" + newImageLoadedId).length === 1) {
						$("<span class=\"pip pip" + newImageLoadedId + "\">" +
								"<a onclick='document.getElementById(\"dark" + newImageLoadedId + "\").style.display=\"block\";'><span class=\"edit edit" + newImageLoadedId + "\" >Edit </span></a>" +
								"</span>").insertAfter(".masked-img" + newImageLoadedId).css({
							"left": ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].x + (ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].width / 2) + "px",
							"top": ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].y + (ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].height / 2) + "px"
						$("<div id=\'dark" + newImageLoadedId + "\' class=\'dark_content\'>" +
								$('#demoTemplate').html() +
								"<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"document.getElementById(\'dark" + newImageLoadedId + "\').style.display=\'none\'\">Close</a>" + "</div>").appendTo(".pip" + newImageLoadedId).css({
							"left": $('.edit' + newImageLoadedId).width() + 2 + "px",
							"top": "0px"

					// Edit code end here....
					//  Remove image

					$("<br/><span id=\"" + newImageLoadedId + "\" class=\"remove\">Remove</span>").insertAfter(".masked-img" + newImageLoadedId).css({
						"left": ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].x + (ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].width / 2) + "px",
						"top": ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].y + (ImagePosition[newImageLoadedId].height / 2 + 25) + "px"

					$(".remove").click(function(event) {
						const canvasId = "canvas#" + event.currentTarget.id;
						// Delete the image
						const ctx = $("canvas")[event.currentTarget.id].getContext("2d");
						ctx.fillStyle = "white"
						ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 500, 500)
						// Delete the Remove button


					// Remove image code end here....
	}); // end of document ready

	//Fetch text

	const fonts = []; // caching duplicate fonts

	function drawText(layer) {

		if (layer.type === 'image') return;

		if (!layer.type || layer.type === 'group') {
			return layer.layers.forEach(drawText)

		if (layer.type === 'text') {
			const url = 'https://i.imgur.com/' + layer.src;

			if (!fonts.includes(url)) {
				$("style").prepend("@font-face {\n" +
						"\tfont-family: \"" + layer.font + "\";\n" +
						"\tsrc: url(" + url + ") format('truetype');\n" +

			// Below is POP UP Code
			const lightId = 'light' + layer.name
			const lightIdString = '#' + lightId
					'<input id="font" style="display:none"><a id ="' + layer.name + '" onclick="openPopUp(' + lightId + ')"' +
					'<div class="txtContainer" id = "text" contenteditable="true" ' +
					'style="' +
					'left: ' + layer.x + 'px; ' +
					'top: ' + layer.y + 'px; ' +
					'font-size: ' + layer.size + 'px; ' +
					'">' + layer.text + '</div></a>' +
					'<div id="light' + layer.name + '" class="white_content" style="' +
					'left: ' + layer.x + 'px; ' +
					'top: ' + layer.y + 'px; ' + '"> ' +
					$('#template2').html() +
					'<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="closePopUp(' + lightId + ')">Close</a></div> <div>'
			document.getElementById(lightId).style.left = layer.x + document.getElementById(layer.name).offsetWidth + 'px'
			// Above is POP UP Code

	// text end

	// images drag

	(function($) {
		var JQmasks = [];
		$.fn.mask = function(options) {
			// This is the easiest way to have default options.
			var settings = $.extend({
				// These are the defaults.
				maskImageUrl: undefined,
				imageUrl: undefined,
				scale: 1,
				id: new Date().getUTCMilliseconds().toString(),
				x: 0, // image start position
				y: 0, // image start position
				onMaskImageCreate: function(div) {},
			}, options);

			var container = $(this);

			let prevX = 0,
					prevY = 0,
					draggable = false,
					initImage = false,
					startX = settings.x,
					startY = settings.y,

			container.mousePosition = function(event) {
				return {
					x: event.pageX || event.offsetX,
					y: event.pageY || event.offsetY

			container.selected = function(ev) {
				var pos = container.mousePosition(ev);
				var item = $(".masked-img canvas").filter(function() {
					var offset = $(this).offset()
					var x = pos.x - offset.left;
					var y = pos.y - offset.top;
					var d = this.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
					return d[0] > 0

				JQmasks.forEach(function(el) {
					var id  
					= item.length > 0 ? $(item).attr("id") : "";
					if (el.id == id)
					else el.item.disable();

			container.enable = function() {
				draggable = true;
				$(canvas).attr("active", "true");
					"z-index": 2

			container.disable = function() {
				draggable = false;
				$(canvas).attr("active", "false");
					"z-index": 1

			container.onDragStart = function(evt) {
				if (evt.target.getContext) {
					var pixel = evt.target.getContext('2d').getImageData(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY, 1, 1).data;

					$(canvas).attr("active", "true");
					prevX = evt.clientX;
					prevY = evt.clientY;
					var img = new Image();
					evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImage(img, 10, 10);
					evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'anything');


			container.getImagePosition = function() {
				return {
					x: settings.x,
					y: settings.y,
					scale: settings.scale

			container.onDragOver = function(evt) {

				if (evt.target.getContext) {
					var pixel = evt.target.getContext('2d').getImageData(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY, 1, 1).data;
					if (pixel[3] === 255) {
						if (draggable && $(canvas).attr("active") === "true") {
							var x = settings.x + evt.clientX - prevX;
							var y = settings.y + evt.clientY - prevY;
							if (x == settings.x && y == settings.y)
								return; // position has not changed
							settings.x += evt.clientX - prevX;
							settings.y += evt.clientY - prevY;
							prevX = evt.clientX;
							prevY = evt.clientY;
							timeout = setTimeout(function() {
							}, 20);
					} else {
						return false;

			container.updateStyle = function() {
				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
					context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
					image = new Image();
					image.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
					image.src = settings.maskImageUrl;
					image.onload = function() {
						canvas.width = image.width;
						canvas.height = image.height;
						context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
							"width": image.width,
							"height": image.height

			function renderInnerImage() {
				img = new Image();
				img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
				img.src = settings.imageUrl;
				img.onload = function() {
					settings.x = settings.x == 0 && initImage ? (canvas.width - (img.width * settings.scale)) / 2 : settings.x;
					settings.y = settings.y == 0 && initImage ? (canvas.height - (img.height * settings.scale)) / 2 : settings.y;
					context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop';
					context.drawImage(img, settings.x, settings.y, img.width * settings.scale, img.height * settings.scale);
					initImage = false;

			// change the draggable image

			container.loadImage = function(imageUrl) {
				//if (img)
				// img.remove();
				// reset the code.
				settings.y = startY;
				settings.x = startX;
				prevX = prevY = 0;
				settings.imageUrl = imageUrl;
				initImage = true;
				// sirpepole  Add this
				return settings.id;

			// change the masked Image
			container.loadMaskImage = function(imageUrl, from) {
				canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
				context = canvas.getContext('2d');
				canvas.setAttribute("draggable", "true");
				canvas.setAttribute("id", settings.id);
				settings.maskImageUrl = imageUrl;
				div = $("<div/>", {
					"class": "masked-img"

				// div.find("canvas").on('touchstart mousedown', function(event)
				div.find("canvas").on('dragstart', function(event) {
					if (event.handled === false) return;
					event.handled = true;

				div.find("canvas").on('touchend mouseup', function(event) {
					if (event.handled === false) return;
					event.handled = true;

				div.find("canvas").bind("dragover", container.onDragOver);
				if (settings.onMaskImageCreate)
				item: container,
				id: settings.id
			// Edit image
			div.addClass('masked-img' + settings.id);
			// code end
			return container;

	//Zoom in , Zoom out , Rotate code

	document.getElementById("img").src = json(data);

	var angle = 0;
	var scale = 1;
	var $img = $('#image');

	$img.on('transform', function() {
		$img.css('transform', `rotate(${angle}deg) scale(${scale})`);

	$('.js-rotate-right').on('click', function() {
		angle += 15;

	$('.js-rotate-left').on('click', function() {
		angle -= 15;

	$('.js-zoom-in').on('click', function() {
		scale += 0.25;
		if (scale == 2.25) {
			scale = 2;

	$('.js-zoom-out').on('click', function() {
		scale -= 0.25;
		if (scale == 0) {
			scale = 0.25;
.container {
			background: silver;
			position: relative;

		.container img {
			position: absolute;
			top: 0;
			bottom: 250px;
			left: 0;
			right: 0;
			margin: auto;
			z-index: 999;

		.masked-img {
			overflow: hidden;
			position: relative;

		.txtContainer {
			position: absolute;
			text-align: center;
			color: #FFF

		.txtContainer:hover {
			background: red;
			padding: 1px;
			border-style: dotted;

		.pip {
			display: inline-block;
			margin: 0;
			position: absolute;

		.remove {
			background: #444;
			border: 1px solid black;
			color: white;
			text-align: center;
			cursor: pointer;
			position: absolute;
			z-index: 3;

		.remove:hover {
			background: white;
			color: black;

		.edit {
			display: block;
			background: #444;
			border: 1px solid black;
			color: white;
			text-align: center;
			cursor: pointer;
			position: absolute;
			z-index: 3;

		.edit:hover {
			background: white;
			color: black;
			position: absolute;
			z-index: 3;

		.white_content {
			display: none;
			position: absolute;
			top: 25%;
			left: 25%;
			width: 50%;
			height: 50%;
			padding: 16px;
			border: 16px solid orange;
			background-color: white;
			z-index: 1002;
			overflow: auto;

		.dark_content {
			display: none;
			position: relative;
			top: 25%;
			left: 25%;
			width: 350px;
			height: 350px;
			padding: 16px;
			border: 16px solid orange;
			background-color: white;
			z-index: 1002;
			overflow: auto;

		.radiobutton {
			display: inline-block;
			position: relative;
			width: 50px;
			height: 50px;
			margin: 10px;
			cursor: pointer;

		.radiobutton span {
			display: block;
			position: absolute;
			width: 50px;
			height: 50px;
			padding: 0;
			top: 50%;
			left: 50%;
			-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
			-ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
			-o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
			transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
			border-radius: 100%;
			background: #eeeeee;
			box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);
			transition: ease .3s;

		.radiobutton span:hover {
			padding: 10px;

		.orange .radiobutton span {
			background: #FF5722;

		.red .radiobutton span {
			background: #FFC107;

		.radiocolor {
			display: block;
			position: absolute;
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
			top: 0;
			left: 0;
			background: transparent;
			/*transition: ease .3s;*/
			z-index: -1;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Easy-Google-Web-Font-Selector-With-jQuery-Fontselect/fontselect.css" />
<script src="https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Easy-Google-Web-Font-Selector-With-jQuery-Fontselect/jquery.fontselect.js"></script>

  .font-select {
			display: none;

<input id="fileup" name="fileup" type="file" style="display:none" >

<div id="container"class="container">

<template id='demoTemplate'>
      <div class="btn-group">
         <button type="button" class="js-zoom-in">Zoom In</button>
         <button type="button" class="js-zoom-out">Zoom Out</button>
         <button type="button" class="js-rotate-right">Rotate Right</button>
         <button type="button" class="js-rotate-left">Rotate Left</button>
      <img id="image" src ="" style ="display:none">             

<template id='template2'>
   <input type="range" min="60" max="90" oninput="fontRange(this)" onchange="fontRange(this)">
   <label class="orange">
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="orange" style="display:none" >
      <div class="radiocolor"></div>
      <div class="radiobutton"><span onclick="changeColor(this)"></span></div>
   <label class="red">
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="red" style="display:none" >
      <div class="radiocolor"></div>
      <div class="radiobutton"><span onclick="changeColor(this)"></span></div>

$(function() {
			$('#font').fontselect().change(function() {

				// replace + signs with spaces for css
				var font = $(this).val().replace(/\+/g, ' ');

				// split font into family and weight
				font = font.split(':');

				// set family on paragraphs
				$('p').css('font-family', font[0]);

			$('.font-select').click(function (index) {
				var targetFontFamily = index.target.style.fontFamily;
				var targetFontWeight = index.target.style.fontWeight;
					fontFamily: targetFontFamily,
					fontWeight: targetFontWeight

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

什么都没做,只需将下拉菜单添加到container var即可解决问题

var container = $('.white_content, .font-select');


答案 1 :(得分:1)


document.addEventListener("input", closePopup);
function closePopup(event){
  if(event.target == document.getElementById("font")){
    console.log("font changed");
    popup.style.display = "none"; // `popup` must have a reference to the popup 



// Copy the template's content
const templateElement = document.getElementById("templateForDropdown"),
      originalDropdown = templateElement.content, // It's in the .content property
      copyOfDropdown = originalDropdown.cloneNode(true); // `true` clones descendants
copyOfDropdown.id = "dropdown1"; // Don't use the same `id` twice

// Add the copy to the DOM
const container = document.getElementById("container");

console.log("(You have to click 'full-page' to properly view the SO snippet results)");
#container{ width: 120px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid grey; padding:  10px 20px 60px 20px; }
<template id="templateForDropdown">
  <select id="dropdown0">

<div id="container">


这应该使您了解如何显示可以通过在其外部单击而再次隐藏的弹出窗口。 (else ... if部分确保单击下拉列表或其子级不会关闭弹出窗口。)可以根据自己的目的随意对其进行修改。

// Select particular elements
const button = document.getElementById("button");
const popup = document.getElementById("popup");
const dropdown = document.getElementById("dropdown");

// Listen for clicks
document.addEventListener("click", togglePopup);

// Respond to clicks
function togglePopup(event){
  // Show popup when user clicks button
  if(event.target == button){
    popup.style.display = "block";
  // Otherwise...
  else {
    // ... As long as the click is not on dropdown or its children...
    if(event.target != dropdown && event.target.parentNode != dropdown){
      // ... close the popup
      popup.style.display = "none";
#popup{ display: none; }
#container{ border: 1px solid grey; padding: 10px 20px 80px 20px; }
<div id="container">
<div id="popup">I'm a popup</div>
<br />
<button id="button">Show Popup</button>
<br /><br />
<select id="dropdown">