
时间:2019-04-20 07:00:08

标签: wordpress buddypress


示例链接类似于site / members / {usernamehere} / my-profile-menu / test /

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您可以使用“ me”作为用户名为登录用户创建动态的BuddyPress配置文件链接。

示例:First create list of Tuples which contains numbers and corresponds. Then a method/loops to iterate and return result. IEnumerable<Tuple<int, string>> data = new List<Tuple<int, string>>() { new Tuple<int, string>( 1, "I"), new Tuple<int, string>( 4, "IV" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 5, "V" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 9, "IX" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 10, "X" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 40, "XL" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 50, "L" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 90, "XC" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 100, "C" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 400, "CD" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 500, "D" ), new Tuple<int, string>( 900, "CM"), new Tuple<int, string>( 1000, "M" ) }; public string ToConvert(decimal num) { data = data.OrderByDescending(o => o.Item1).ToList(); List<Tuple<int, string>> subData = data.Where(w => w.Item1 <= num).ToList(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in subData) { if (num >= item.Item1) { while (num >= item.Item1) { num -= item.Item1; sb.Append(item.Item2.ToUpper()); } } } return sb.ToString(); }
