
时间:2019-04-23 01:43:33

标签: javascript html css dom nodes

我正在编写一个JavaScript脚本,它将遍历DOM并将特定的关键字包装在<span>标签中。我希望我的script将出现的单词pan包裹在<span>中,以便可以使用<span style='color: red'对其进行样式设置。我实际上并不想使用pan这个词,我只是以它为例。



    <p>My <span style='font-weight: bold'>favorite</span> kitchen item is the pan.</p>
    <p>A pan can also be used as a weapon.</p>
      // walk the document body
      function walk (node) {
        // if text node
        if (node.nodeType == 3) {
          // will always be an element
          const parent = node.parentNode;
          // ignore script and style tags
          const tagName = parent.tagName;
          if (tagName !== 'SCRIPT' && tagName !== 'STYLE') {
            // wrap occurrences of 'pan' in a red `<span>` tag
            const span = '<span style="color: red">pan</span>';
            parent.innerHTML = parent.innerHTML.replace (/pan/g, span)
        node = node.firstChild;
        while (node) {
          walk (node);
          node = node.nextSibling;
      walk (document.body)



两个文本节点Mykitchen item is the pan.的父元素带有以下innerHTMLMy <span style="font-weight: bold">favorite</span> kitchen item is the pan. <span>中的“ pan”正在更换,并引起问题。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用转义的搜索字符串搜索给定的htmlString。这样做(使用适当的转义符)将有助于避免出现诸如匹配HTML标签(例如<s pan >)或子字符串(例如 Pan 多拉)。

highlight(selector, string)
@ Params:
  selector [String]: Same syntax as CSS/jQuery selector
  string   [String]: Seach string
// A: Get the htmlString of the target's content
// B: Escape the search string
// C: Create a RegExp Object of the escaped search string
// D: Find and replace all matches with match wrapped in a <mark>
// E: Remove original HTML
// F: Insert new HTML
function highlight(selector, string) {
  let dom = document.querySelector(selector);
  let str = dom.innerHTML; //A
  let esc = `(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\\/a>))\\b(${string})\\b`; //B
  let rgx = new RegExp(esc, "gi"); //C
  let txt = str.replace(rgx, `<mark>$1</mark>`); //D
  dom.innerHTML = ''; //E 
  dom.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', txt); //F

highlight('body', "pan");

  <p>My <span style='font-weight: bold'>favorite</span> kitchen item is the pan.</p>
  <p>A pan can also be used as a weapon.</p>
  <p>Pan was the Greek god of the wild.</p>
  <p>Eboli was breifly a pandemic threat.</p>

