
时间:2019-04-23 05:25:20

标签: jhipster jdl

我是Java和Angular初学者。 我将jdl文件设计如下。


可以更好地描述此屏幕截图: https://pasteboard.co/IbpZhEb.png

application {
  config {
    applicationType monolith,
    baseName app
    packageName com.mycompany.myapp,
    authenticationType jwt,
    prodDatabaseType postgresql,
    devDatabaseType postgresql,
    cacheProvider ehcache,
    enableHibernateCache true,
    buildTool maven,
    searchEngine elasticsearch,
    testFrameworks [protractor],
    clientFramework angularX,
    useSass true,
    enableTranslation true,
    nativeLanguage en,
    languages [en, fa ,ar-ly]

entities LookupType, Lookups ,Person 

entity LookupType {
  lookupTypeIdentification Integer required,
  lookupTypeDiscription String required 
filter LookupType

entity Lookups {
  lookupsDiscription String required 
filter Lookups

entity Person {
  nationalCode Long required ,
  name String required ,
  family String required ,
  birithDate ZonedDateTime,
  gender Gender

enum Gender {

relationship OneToMany {
LookupType {lTDiscription} to Lookups{lookupTypeDiscription(lookupTypeDiscription)}

relationship OneToMany {
Lookups {Country} to Person{Nationality(lookupsDiscription)}
Lookups {city} to Person{birthPlace(lookupsDiscription)}
Lookups {color} to Person{hairColor(lookupsDiscription)}
service all with serviceImpl except Lookups , LookupType ,Person
paginate Lookups with infinite-scroll
paginate LookupType with pagination
paginate Person with infinite-scroll

我有几个问题: 1.这可以通过jdl吗?当然,无需添加太多表! 2.如果上述问题的答案是否定的,那么解决方案是什么? 3)Angular什么路径从Spring接收数据?(代码)

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