
时间:2019-04-28 15:45:05

标签: scala gatling scala-gatling gatling-jsonpath


From an API_01 of the response I am saving the questionTypes, questionId's and also saving the whole response data in Resp using json path.
Now according using he no. of question ID's which is an array the loop iterates (if 4 question Id's then there are 4 question types and ll iterate 4 times) and also checks the question type for each iteration and switch is used to perform the function according to the question type.
After going inside the question type I need to answer for which I need ChoiceId's which will differ from question to question (which will have 3 choices or 2 choices or 5 choices)
So I have saved the whole response in the previous API_01 call now I need to extract it and add to API_02 call POST request json file; I have QuestionId and QuestionType


private val Assessment = exec(http("assessment")


  "data": {
  "assessment": {
  "id": "sample01",
  "items": [
      "question": {
        "id": "sample02",
        "code": "E_01",
        "version": 1,
        "type": "MULTIPLE_SELECTION",
        "language": "E",
        "body": {
          "choices": {
            "minChoice": 1,
            "maxChoice": 7,
            "choiceItems": [

                "choiceId": 2, --> How to get these choiceID for answer Submission
                "choiceId": 3, --> How to get these choiceID 
                "choiceId": 115, --> How to get these choiceID 
                "choiceId": 196, --> How to get these choiceID 
      "submissions": [


      "question": {
        "id": "sample02",
        "code": "E_01",
        "version": 1,
        "type": "FILL_IN_THE_BLANK",
        "language": "E",
        "body": {
          "choices": {
            "minChoice": 1,
            "maxChoice": 7,
            "choiceItems": [

                "choiceId": 20,  --> How to get these choiceID 
                "choiceId": 15,
                "choiceId": 11,
                "choiceId": 156,
      "submissions": [


} } }


 private val Answers = foreach("${questionId}", "id","i") {

      "MULTIPLE_CHOICE" -> answerMCQ,
      "FILL_IN_THE_BLANK" -> answerFIB


private val answerFIB = exec(
        http("Submit Answer")


    "answer": {
        "ChoiceId": 354,--> Here I need to provide Choice ID which changes for each question answer
        "answer": "Sample01",
        "type": "FILL_IN_THE_BLANK"

0 个答案:
