
时间:2019-05-01 06:01:47

标签: java spring spring-boot spring-webflux project-reactor



Flux<ServerResponse> feedResponses = request
        .map(AddFeedRequestDto::getFeeds) // Returns a list of RSS feed URLs
        .map(this::getServerResponsesFromUrls) // Returns a list of Mono<Feed>
        .map(Flux::merge) // Wait til all requests are completed
        // Not sure where to go from here


/** Related methods: **/

private List<Mono<Feed>> getServerResponsesFromUrls(List<String> feedUrls) {
    List<Mono<Feed>> feedResponses = new ArrayList<>();
    feedUrls.forEach(feedUrl -> feedResponses.add(getFeedResponse(feedUrl)));
    return feedResponses;

public Mono<Feed> getFeedResponse(final String url) {
    return webClient
            .bodyToMono(String.class) // Ideally, we should be able to use bodyToMono(FeedDto.class)

/** Feed.java **/
public class Feed {
    List<Item> items;

基本上,我的目标是合并每个提要中的所有项目以创建一个统一的提要。但是,我不确定在调用Flux :: merge之后该怎么做。任何建议,将不胜感激。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用.flatMap代替.map / Flux.merge,如下所示:

Mono<Feed> unifiedFeedMono = request
        .bodyToMono(AddFeedRequestDto.class)  // Mono<AddFeedRequestDto>
        .map(AddFeedRequestDto::getFeeds)     // Mono<List<String>> feedUrls
        .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable)      // Flux<String> feedUrls
        .flatMap(this::getFeedResponse)       // Flux<Feed>
        .map(Feed::getItems)                  // Flux<List<Item>>
        .flatMap(Flux::fromIterable)          // Flux<Item>
        .collectList()                        // Mono<List<Item>>
        .map(Feed::new);                      // Mono<Feed>

