
时间:2019-05-08 09:47:36

标签: c# asp.net regex string


    public static string HighlightExceptV1(this string text, string wordsToExclude)
        // Original version
        // wordsToExclude usually consists of a 1, 2 or 3 word term.
        // The text must be in a specific order to work.

        var pattern = $@"(\s*\b{wordsToExclude}\b\s*)";

        // Do something to string...


    public static string HighlightExceptV2(this string text, string wordsToExclude)
        // This version allows the words to be matched in any order, but it has
        // flaws, in that the natural spacing is removed in some cases.
        var words = wordsToExclude.Replace(' ', '|');

        var pattern = $@"(\s*\b{words}\b\s*)";

        // Example phase: big blue widget
        // Example output: $@"(\s*\bbig|blue|widget\b\s*)"

        // Do something to string...


  1. 将原始短语拆分成单词
  2. 在正则表达式模式中包装每个单词,以保留空格 匹配时
  3. 重新加入单词模式以产生将用于 匹配

    public static string HighlightExceptV3(this string text, string wordsToExclude)
        // The outputted pattern must be dynamic due to unknown
        // words in phrase.
        // Example phrase: big blue widgets
        var words = wordsToExclude.Replace(' ', '|');
        // Example: big|blue|widget
        // The code below isn't complete - merely an example
        // of the required output.
        var wordPattern = $@"\s*\b{word}\b\s*";
        // Example: $@"\s*\bwidget\b\s*"
        var phrasePattern = "$({rejoinedArray})";
        // @"(\s*\bbig\b\s*|\s*\bblue\b\s*|\s*\bwidget\b\s*)";
        // Do something to string...



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


这里是working C# snippet



  • var text = "there are big widgets in this phrase blue widgets too"; var words = "big blue widgets"; var pattern = $@"(\s*(?<!\w)(?:{string.Join("|", words.Split(' ').Select(Regex.Escape))})(?!\w)\s*)"; var result = string.Concat(Regex.Split(text, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Select((str, index) => index % 2 == 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) ? $"<b>{str}</b>" : str)); Console.WriteLine(result); -用空格分隔words.Split(' ').Select(Regex.Escape)文本并用正则表达式转义每个项目
  • words重建在项目之间插入string.Join("|",...)的字符串
  • |负向后匹配与不立即以字符char开头的位置,而(?<!\w)负向后匹配与未立即以字符char开头的位置匹配。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我建议使用2状态(输入和输出选择)和Regex.Replace(我们可以将单词原样保留-{{ 1}}或将其替换为word<b>wordword<\b>



private static string MyModify(string text, string wordsToExclude) {
  HashSet<string> exclude = new HashSet<string>(
    wordsToExclude.Split(' '), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

  bool inSelection = false;

  string result = Regex.Replace(text, @"[\w']+", match => {
      var next = match.NextMatch();

      if (inSelection) {
        if (next.Success && exclude.Contains(next.Value)) {
          inSelection = false;

          return match.Value + "</b>";
          return match.Value;
      else {
        if (exclude.Contains(match.Value))
          return match.Value;
        else if (next.Success && exclude.Contains(next.Value))
          return "<b>" + match.Value + "</b>";
        else {
          inSelection = true;
          return "<b>" + match.Value;

  if (inSelection)
    result += "</b>";

  return result;


string wordsToExclude = "big widgets blue if";

string[] tests = new string[] {
  "widgets for big blue",
  "big widgets are great but better if blue",
  "great but expensive",
  "big and small, blue and green",

string report = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, tests
  .Select(test => $"{test,-40} -> {MyModify(test, wordsToExclude)}"));
