在Caffe中使用自定义切片层,直到运行时才知道“ top”的大小?

时间:2019-05-09 13:33:11

标签: caffe pycaffe



<!-- language: lang-py -->
class custom_slice_layer(caffe.Layer):
  def setup(self, bottom, top):
    # check top, bottom blobsvecs match desired size.

  def reshape(self, bottom, top):
    # reshape to the right size?  This is The error happens during the reshape step.

  def forward(self, bottom, top):
    # pick desired pairs for siamese training (to be fed into the default contrastive loss layer)

  def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
    # combine the gradients for backprop


I0509 09:21:46.434281 14750 net.cpp:122] Setting up custom_slice_name
I0509 09:21:46.434306 14750 net.cpp:129] Top shape: (0)
I0509 09:21:46.434312 14750 net.cpp:129] Top shape: (0)
I0509 09:21:46.434319 14750 net.cpp:129] Top shape: (0)
I0509 09:21:46.434324 14750 net.cpp:137] Memory required for data: 790788800
I0509 09:21:46.434332 14750 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer contrastiveloss
I0509 09:21:46.434350 14750 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer contrastiveloss
I0509 09:21:46.434360 14750 net.cpp:406] contrastiveloss <- ip2A
I0509 09:21:46.434370 14750 net.cpp:406] contrastiveloss <- ip2B
I0509 09:21:46.434377 14750 net.cpp:406] contrastiveloss <- sim
I0509 09:21:46.434387 14750 net.cpp:380] contrastiveloss -> contrastive_loss
F0509 09:21:46.434793 14750 blob.hpp:122] Check failed: axis_index < num_axes() (0 vs. 0) axis 0 out of range for 0-D Blob with shape (0)
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
Abort (core dumped)

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